Analyzing Body Language: Gesture Recognition

Scientists get excited at the topic of gesture recognition. It is a challenge that many people are trying to solve to create robots and machines that can recognize a human being's facial expression and movements.

If this is done right, computers will able to interpret them and react accordingly. This technology has so many applications in robotics and automation. Currently, the main challenge is to put the mathematical expressions in the robots so they can read human movements and interpret them accordingly.

Hand Gesture Recognition Facial Gesture Recognition

This technology is a way to create an effective means for computers to execute commands without physical contact. Today, there are computer interfaces that can coordinate commands using facial expressions.

The goal of this area of science is to create machines that can understand emotions. These machines can accurately interpret what a person is feeling, despite the millions of differences between human expressions.

It works like hand recognition, but it solely focuses on facial muscles and contractions.

Despite its existence, this technology is also beset with issues. And the primary problem is that people have different faces. Hands have fewer contractions and movements, so it is easier to develop hand gesture technology than facial gesture technology.

The Uses of Gesture Recognition

Gesture recognition has many practical uses. It can be used in the field of medicine, in the construction business, and many other situations. In fact, it can be used in many situations that present clear danger to humans. It can be used in exploration not just in other planets but in dangerous terrains.

It can be used in technologies where people with handicaps are prevented from functioning normally. It can also be used in communications such as via sign language. A branch of it, called face recognition, can help robots understand what a person is going through, and it can be used in the reinforcement of security.

Sign Language Recognition

Sing language recognition is another filed that dedicated scientists are advancing. It is an area that is primarily being developed for the hearing impaired. Those who cannot talk will also benefit from this, as they supply have to signal to a machine what they wish to get done, and the machine will execute it.

Soon, the deaf or those how are hard of hearing will be equipped with tools that will provide them with a better quality of life. They will find it easier to communicate with people and machines.

To make this technology possible, researchers will have to spend a lot of time coding different sign language standards, and they also have to create a computer language that will interpret these physical signs.

The methods have to be flawless, and they have to make sure that the machines are capable of interpreting and recording fluid and continuous hand gestures. Accuracy is also of the utmost importance, and there is a growing need to have a camera that has the capability to record even the smallest amount of details from hand gestures.


There is a myriad of ongoing research about how we can synthesize technology and natural resources to blend together. These studies are focused on analyzing human gestures, and then creating robots and software that can read these gestures.

In turn, these robots will react appropriately and interpret these gestures. This technology can be used in many facets of life. It can be used for entertainment, for gaming, for medical activities, for remote operations like exploring uncharted territories.

It can be used for voice commands, robotic operations, and other electronic applications.

Soon, we can even introduce this technology and keyboards will no longer be necessary. Over the course of research, it may even be possible that the way we interact with machines and robots will all be governed by gesture recognition.