Even before the age of smart phones, we have all long used emoticons in analog cellphones and even in physical letters. We have also used them in emails. Emoticons are probably the only way to show the reader how we feel when words seem to elude us. The advent of smart phones paved the way for better and much more expressive emoticons for us to use.
Today, we do not just use emoticons in emails and texts. We use them to express our feelings in chat windows, games, instant messaging apps, forum websites, and most especially in dating sites where we want the other party to understand how we feel.
Emoticon ResourcesSmiley Collection – this site provides the symbols you need to type for different kinds of smileys. They work on chat and you can also try them on analog phones, too.
Emojipedia – visit this site if you want smileys based on category. You can scroll through different categories like love, happiness, children, and more.
Cool Smileys – this site has an extensive list of cool emoticons and smileys that you can download and use.
Smiley Resources – from general smileys to celebrity smileys, this list has several resources that you can choose from.
Monkey Smiley – here you will see different monkey smileys that you can use for different operating systems. If you are feeling a little bit playful, this is a good site as a reference for light-hearted smileys.
Smiley Explanations – this is a site that allows you to explore what different smileys mean. This is useful if you are unsure of what to use to convey your emotions.
Smileys for Children – if you want child-friendly smileys, visit this site and grab family-oriented smileys. This is great if you want to chat with your children and use smileys that is easy for them to comprehend.
Funny Smileys – visit this site if you want wacky smileys that are fun to use. The smileys are great for group chats and if you want to add spice in your conversation.
Smiley Chart – this site provides a chart of smileys that you can use as a reference. The smileys are basic but you can get the codes and use them anytime.
Humorous Smiley Faces – this is a long list of humorous smileys. The codes are also provided and all you have to do is to type them down.
Smiley Acronyms – this is a list of smileys and the symbols you need to use to make them appear as pictures. No need figuring out what characters to use for each smiley.
Humorous Smileys – this is a list of funny smiley faces.
Animated Smileys – here you will find animated smileys for your kids. You can use them as URLs or as HTML or UBB. The fun part is that they move! They bounce and juggle and laugh!
Japanese Smileys – this site provides Japanese smileys you can use for Asian friends. It has a list of different symbols to use to show anger, craziness, and even flipping the bird!
IRC Smileys – visit this site if you want smileys for Internet Relay Chat.
Basic Smiley – here is a list of basic smileys you can use.
Mental Health Smiley – if you want smileys that reflect mental health, visit this page. It is an infographic page that lets you understand the top ten most used mental health smileys.
Romantic Smileys – if you are in the mood for love, visit this page and use the different emoticons that show romance. This is great if you are wooing someone or just simply flirting around.
Angry Smileys – everybody gets annoyed sometimes. Use this page as a reference if you want to express your frustration.
Lenny Faces / Smileys – Various "Lenny" faces found in online gaming chat rooms.