The Zodiac is basically an area of the sky extending to an approximate of eight degrees north or south of the ecliptic which is also the path of the sun across the celestial sphere across the year. Western astrology state that the zodiac is divided into twelve signs whereby they each occupy thirty degrees of celestial longitude.
The twelve astrological signs from the celestial coordinate system include Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. These astrological have then been categorized into four different categories that will be discussed later.
The division of the signs originated from the Babylonians astronomy during the first half of the 1st millennium BC. The division did not happen until around the end of the fifth century BC, where the Babylonian astronomers then divided the ecliptic into the now known Horoscope Stars. Each sign is comprised of thirty degrees of celestial longitude creating the first known celestial coordinates system.
Zodiac Compatibility can then be termed as the fitting in of two different horoscopes to make a perfect lifetime match. Later we will find that there are no really incompatible zodiac signs in astrology meaning that any two signs are more or less compatible.
People's Perception of the HoroscopeMost of this is more of science or spiritualism and less of Religion. Zodiac was first invented by astrologists as a way to understand the universe and how it works. To some extent, astrology was considered by some to be more of a science that offers comfort, faith and deeper understanding of the world we are in. It is said, and more believed, that the interpretation always offers assurance of the future of a person and in a way show one the way in which they can resolve issues to improve their relationship with partners, family, and friends.
Astrology is believed by some people to work and most people who have a habit of going to astrologers to have them read their horoscopes and explain the meaning to them, always end up with a feeling of fulfillment and satisfaction. This cannot be considered that the astrologer has actually read out the future of the person depending on the horoscope. Instead, it is more of the fulfillment it gives.
The Elements of Zodiac SignsAs mentioned above the Zodiac Signs belong to four elements, namely: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. It is believed that signs with the same element tend to have a natural compatibility because they understand each other best. In addition, air element tends to fit in best with the Fire element while Water element fits best with Earth element. The expectations are that the strongest attraction is said to be of opposing signs and they have great potential.
The above information can help you know more about zodiac compatibility. For more information and resources you can also visit: