Dating & Relationship Guide: Advice, Tips & News
- 8 Tips for Building Relationship Equality - The goal of many relationships today is achieving equality. Once there’s an imbalance, issues start to crop up. Here are 8 tips for building relationship equality to help you bring balance to your personal life...
- How To Break Up With A “Situationship” - A situationship is, essentially, a relationship without a clear definition or label. It's somewhere between 'friends with benefits' and a committed relationship, but without both sides knowing where they stand. Lack of clarity is the key factor – if you don't know what to call this situation you're in with someone, it's probably a situationship.
- Tried-and Tested Dating Tips for the Socially Awkward Guy - Are you one of those guys who can’t bring yourself to chat up a girl let alone ask her out on a date? You’re not alone. The good news however is that there are strategies you could use to get your confidence back. And soon, you’ll be approaching a hundred girls a day!
- How to Pack for Better and Safer Sex While Traveling - Sex and traveling are among the best things in life! And having sex with your partner or a sexy stranger is a great part of traveling, right? Here are better sex hacks that will ensure you’ll have an unforgettable experience while staying safe and healthy.
- A Relationship with a Person Who Has Bipolar Disorder - 10 Tips to Help Them during Depression - People with bipolar disorder should understand how to live with the situation. However, the friends or family members must play a critical role to help such as a person. Severe bipolar can lead to depression where the victim may sleep more than usual or be unable to sleep, among other symptoms. Relating with someone with bipolar disorder can be challenging, especially when such as person suffers from depression. Here are ten tips to help a person with bipolar during depression.
- Advice from an Experienced Professional on the Nuances of Online Dating - We just hit a Pandemic and are currently going through a time where historical events are happening, left, right, and center. We hit a snag in our daily lives and have been part of a home quarantine throughout 2020. This has been the cause of a lot of breakups and even the birth of children. But what happened to those who were single? Well, they all turned to online dating. I am one of those people...
- How Does the Perception of Sex Differences Between Men and Women? - Sex is an essential part of the man-woman relationship. While it is not exclusive to just humans, you can easily feel that it’s different from humans. Particularly in the way that men and women perceive sex as being very different. Although the physiological process underlying sex and sexual arousal in both genders is the same, the subjective sexual experience in males and women is quite different. While men will love to have sex, not minding certain conditions, women love to do it only when the conditions are right. This is a stereotype, but how true is it? Is it also common knowledge that the sexual drive of men is higher than those of women?
- Set Boundaries Earlier on in Relationships, and Save Yourself Heartache, Energy and Money - The internet is filed with articles about the importance of setting boundaries. Well-meaning as they are, most don’t paint a clear picture of how boundaries actually work, and more importantly, why we willingly relinquish power and our self-respect to partners. I've heard of countless stories of guys who failed to read the red flags and set boundaries, all because they feared their women would leave them. But guess what, you’re probably better off without a woman who displays these signs.
- How to Master the Art of Mindful Gifting - Let’s get one thing out of the way right now – the price tag doesn’t matter. You don’t have to buy anyone an expensive gift to express love, and it really is the thought that counts. However, this doesn’t mean that you should buy your boo a cheap mug at the airport gift store and call it a day. While mindful giving certainly isn’t focused on the price, it does involve a lot of careful thought and consideration. There’s a certain art to it...
- 10 Ways to Impress a Girl Online - No matter how many times you’ve tried out online dating, you can agree with us that women can be a bit unpredictable. The approach you used on Lisa and got her to fall for you in a matter of hours can backfire terribly when used on Anna. It’s almost as if these ladies constantly evolve to be resistant to men’s charms and it can be pretty frustrating...
- 5 Best Ways to Make a Good Impression - Everybody knows that the first impression is the most important for all kinds of relationships! Keep in mind that you have only one shot, and make sure you have all the skills needed to make a good impression!
- 10 Clear Signs: Is He Serious About You or Playing Games With You? - Falling in love isn’t easy, I had my share of misfires… But when you do fall in love, it’s only natural to wonder at some point if your man is in it for the long run. You probably dated the guy for a while now and the two of you are really comfortable with each other. You even start thinking about how exciting a future together will be. At some point, you start to think (and over think) about different things in your relationship...
- 9 Unusual Texts That Get You Dates - Getting the first date from a girl (or boy) you like can be nerve-wracking. You are there imagining how they will react if you were to ask them out. However, it’s better to go ahead and ask them once and for all that to wait and regret later. Remember that you might not be the only one interested in her. Therefore, you need to ensure the first move comes from you...
- How to Impress a Girl on the First Date: 15 Tips for Everyone - The scary part is behind you because she agreed to go out with you, right? Wrong! You still need to impress a girl on your first date. This article contains the first date dos and don’ts. Who knows, you might land a second date or meet the love of your life.
- Find Out How to Meet New People and Make Them Friends NOW!! - Isn't it shocking that most of us are going through loneliness? And according to facts, most of the people are unaware of how to meet new people. We have social media that has united the world, which promises to bring everyone closer. Therefore, now we have full liberty to make as many friends as we want, yet we feel lonely! How Ironical! It is like having everything at one moment, and nothing at the other! Alas! What has happened to us?
- The Best Free Online Dating Sites of 2020 - These days, our lives are connected to a digital world. It is trending to date online with the help of advanced technology. Actually, the thing is that suggesting arranged marriages seem like forced marriages, and it may include a high divorce rate. It shows that luck plays a significant role in finding perfect partners through casual dating. It is so because I will not prefer traditional matchmaking procedures for the same reasons, of course.
- Love Puzzle: How to Get to Know Your Partner Better in the Initial Stages of Dating? - We know how it feels when you start dating and that you, like everyone else, is filled with so many questions about their partner! Read this comprehensive article filled with tips on how to get to know your partner better in a few steps! Click here!
- 10 Unusual Things that Arouse Men - Every man has his likes and dislikes when it comes to becoming intimately aroused. Some are fairly normal, and others can be quite out there. Due to the wide variety of males and their mindsets, some things that sexually excite them can be quite interesting to investigate. In this article, we will present you with 10 uncommon ways to sexually arouse a man.
- Top 10 Peculiarities About Men Women Find Attractive - If we are asked most of us will say that we know what we find attractive in a partner. But have you ever thought is there something more than what you think? Or have you wondered what is it in you that attracts the opposite sex? To get some idea we compiled a list of things that women find attractive in men!
- No Need for a Contrarian Stance Against Gender Stereotypes in Dating - Traditional gender stereotypes are a huge talking point in the last century. Females are wearing jeans, cutting their hair short, being highly educated and taking up roles in the workforce. There’s nothing wrong with that. In fact, I look up to women that work. They aren't supposed to be ‘kept in the kitchen’, unlike traditional beliefs and views. To quote Leo Tolstoy, ‘nothing is so necessary for a young man as the company of intelligent women’. On one of my dates...
- How To Make a Long Distance Relationship Work - It can be sometimes tough to make a long distance relationship work. At the beginning, you of course have the best intentions, but after a few weeks, it can be easy to run out of steam. So what do you do when you’re in love with someone who lives a thousand miles away?
- How To Find Out If Online Dating Can Work For You In 2020 - Online dating is increasingly becoming popular. More people are overcoming the societal stigma associated with this modern practice. A research conducted in the U.S. in 2013 among 19131 couples married between 2005-2012 showed that 33% of the couples met online (Cacioppo et al. 2013). Currently, statistics indicate that one in every three people is on an online dating site...
- 5 Least Known Risks of Dating a Divorced Man - Dating a divorced man is a hard game. Some people wonder if their second relationship will be as firm as the first one, while the majority will 'try the game' for fun, without minding the hazards thereof. It's wise to understand that there are risks in dating a divorced man, like any other break-up. Let's reflect on the 5 top dangers of dating a divorced man...
- Are Your Peers Holding You Back in Your Dating Life? - It’s near impossible to change there’s a problem that isn’t perceived as a problem. I remembered when I told my friends in my earlier days that we could improve our dating lives by recommending them a couple of books. The majority of them scoffed at me. When you are in University or at work, your social relationships are a product of circumstances. You don't really consciously 'work' on your relationships. You just assume they are just going to be there forever...
- 5 Tips for Online Dating During Social Distancing - Coronavirus is changing every aspect of our lives. Someone has finally learned how to take breaks and relax, someone has moved back to parents after years of college, someone is getting to know the people he or she lives with. The most huge change, however, is that people live, in fact, digitally. We meet our friends in video chat on Instagram, work in Zoom, and shop online. All because quarantine made us readjust...
- Dating an Older Man vs. Dating a Younger Man: What's Better? - In my early twenties, I was very attracted to older men. In fact, older men were the only type of guys that I was interested in. I was very mature for my age, and my peers seemed childish and boring. Maybe that's the reason my first serious boyfriend was ten years older than me. A few years fast forward, I found myself in the arms of a much younger man that made me wonder what was with that fascination with the oldies. Here are my observations with some pros and cons of dating an older man vs. dating a younger man...
- How to Not Break Up With Your Partner During Self-Isolation - Coronavirus pandemic has changed our lives and we have to cope with a lot of new things and changes. For instance, being locked at home. It seems to be great that now we can spend time with the ones we love, but weeks go by and our enthusiasm is dropping. Our partners seem to be more annoying than ever - this is the result of self-isolation...
- How To Take The Right Step Towards a Happy Relationship - Everyone dreams of creating an ideal relationship. But this result also depends on your efforts. Therefore, we will give you some tips on how to create relationships based on harmony...
- The Biggest First Date Dos and Don'ts - The first date is an exciting time, but also extremely nervewracking. First impressions are important, and you want your date to get to know who you are. Here’s a few tips for what to, and to not, do when on the first date. This is the best way to get the conversation flowing because you won’t feel so nervous speaking about something you love. Once you get going about a topic that you 1) know a lot about and 2) feel strongly about, like a hobby, passion project or something that inspires you, you’ll be on a roll and won’t have time to worry...
- Online Dating During Times of a Pandemic and Isolation - It still feels inconceivable that being in a democratic, free and liberal country finds me living like I’m under house arrest. On the 23/03/2020, local and federal governments forcibly started shutting down businesses as part of their strategy to enforce strict social distancing measures in the wake of what is now gripping every corner of planet earth (COVID-19 Coronavirus). Other than trying various strategies to keep each other 1.5 metres apart...
- Is It Rude for a Man to Ask for Sex on the First Date? - Is it rude to ask for sex on the first date? The matter is not just black and white, but it is important to think it through. I'll share the same insights I share with friends who come to me with this burning question. There's a certain look that appears in man's eye within two hours into the first date. It's when there's a kind of flow, and the attraction begins to grow beyond a simple nod. That look has the same sparkle as in the first instant eye contact is made. It's when the first touch happens, and hands are shaken, followed by hellos.
- Top Ten Online Dating Terms Older People May Not Know - In the past twenty-five years, dating went from asking parents for permission to going online and finding people to talk to you. The dating our grandparents used to do still exists, but it's fading. Every day, more and more people turn to online dating to find friendships, long-term relationships, or marriage. The longer these dating sites stayed on the internet, the more they evolved with the rest of the world. Niche sites began appearing...
- Reasons Not to Wait Too Long to Start Dating After Divorce - Everyone has their rules and opinions on when you should get back out there after the divorce. Do you know what you should do with those rules and opinions? Toss them all aside! What you should focus on at this moment is to get better and start feeling like yourself again. The more comfortable you get with the pain, the harder it will be to stop. So, instead of sitting home and wallowing about what should and shouldn't happen, start meeting new people!
- The Difference in Online Dating Behaviors Between Women and Men - In 1992, relationship expert John Gray famously 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus'. Today, we use this metaphoric statement to describe all those differences in how men and women perceive the world, life, relationships, problems and communication. It covers everything from huge, irreconcilable rifts to tiny, everyday quirks. here is a whole body of research and writing related to how men and women approach dating differently. Generally speaking, it’s considered that men and women have different expectations from the “dating game”, resulting in disappointment for one or both sides...
- Dating After Divorce: Eight Top Tips - Getting back into the dating pool after going through a divorce is not always easy. Divorcing, or splitting up from a long-term partner is ranked by many as one of the most stressful experiences you can go through. It is understandable that many people will be cautious about opening themselves up to the potential for another relationship that may not end well. However, this should not stop you finding happiness with someone else. It is often the case that embarking upon a new relationship when you are a little older and more experienced can actually help you discern exactly what you want out of life and from a romantic partner.
- What to Expect When Dating an Older Man - Dating is never easy because it’s rare to find someone truly compatible with you. Even if you’ve found someone attractive, it doesn’t necessarily mean that there will be a meaningful spark between the two of you. Though, what if you’ve found someone compatible, but he’s slightly older than you?
- 7 Simple Ideas to Make Your Long-Distance Relationship Exciting - Romantic relationships can face a lot of challenges and hurdles along the way, and one of the biggest challenges that any couple can face is being apart from each other. There are many circumstances that can lead to a couple needing to live away from each other, with common reasons being that your partner has to work or study abroad. No couple would ever want to live away from each other. However, certain situations make it unavoidable, adding a huge hurdle in the relationship as a whole.
- How to Be an Active Listener to Your Partner - What is the most important aspect of a healthy relationship for you? Some would say it's trust, some comfort and love, and some the feeling you know somebody is there for you. The truth is when you combine all of that you will get a good relationship, but the essence of all of these is to listen to each other so you can recognize the needs and wishes of your partner. So, we are going to talk about how to be an active listener to your partner.
- What Does It Mean To Be Vulnerable in a Relationship? - Relationships are a significant part of our lives, if not the most important one. We are always looking for someone to share our biggest dreams and hopes, and we try so hard to make it work. However, there comes a time when we do find that person, and we are unable to open up and be completely honest. Whether it is the fear of getting hurt, not trusting enough, or simply our nature, that is when things can go downhill. The real reason is that we are afraid to be vulnerable. This means that besides sharing trivialities about our lives, we can share more significant stories, fears, and not be afraid to have tough conversations. Many may see this as a flaw and a weakness, but it is far from that because being vulnerable is the only way you will get that long-lasting, ride or die relationship.
- Boost Your LESBIAN RELATIONSHIP With These Tips - There's no such thing as an ideal lesbian relationship, because it actually happens between two flawed individuals. One of the greatest difficulties in life is to build up a meaningful and strong relationship. But strengthening a bond in a relationship occurs as time goes on, yet there are things which help you to boost your relationship in a faster measure of time. These overlooked things can extend your affection and grow trust in your relationship. Which are the following:
- Things That Should Never Be on Your Profile - How well is your dating profile working for you? Are you attracting the type of person who interests you? Are you attracting people at all? If not, you aren’t alone. Many people struggle with online dating. For many of those people, it’s their profiles that are creating the problem. Sometimes, their profiles are missing important elements. However, many other cases the issue is with the information they have chosen to share. Check out the following list of things that should never be on your dating profile.
- How To Compliment A Woman The Magic Recipe Of A Happy Relationship - Complimenting a woman who pleases you is not really easy. You do not want your words to be superficial, common and unimaginative. But at the same time, you do not want her to feel a lack of affection or love. You must find more original themes and focus on creative compliments that will touch her right in the heart.
- After An Affair: How To Get Over Guilt Caused By Cheating In Marriage - Ideally, the family is considered the outpost that helps us to struggle with various life attacks, enhancing our identity and curing our wounds. When marrying, many people believe in this ideal scenario, but often have no idea that this 'stamp in the passport' is just a first brick we lay in the foundation of this outpost. Before it becomes the ideally fortified, we may pass by a long and thorny way and face the numerous challenges.
- A Man's Style Guide for the First Date - The dating game in the 21 st century has sure changed a lot. Social media and dating apps make it very easy for us to meet several interesting people. However, you will have to go that extra mile just to turn that casual meeting into a date. It is easy to get someone to notice you but keeping that interest alive is what makes up the crux of the dating game. While women have it easy, men have to work a bit harder to impress the woman of their fancy.
- A Dating Guide for Middle-Aged Women - Dating is a complex thing, and it’s more so when you’re in your 40s or older. Re-entering the dating scene in your age would expose you to a lot of unsolicited dating advice coming from family, friends, and even strangers back in the day. But the good news is that times have changed, and if you’re a woman who is in pursuit of love, you don’t have to be worried about being judged by society. This already provides a great head start for getting back on the dating scene, but the question you’re probably asking is How do I begin dating again? To help you out, in this article we’re diving into the world of dating, explaining what it takes to find the right partner and how to approach this seemingly awkward, and for most women, daunting task. With these five tips in mind, we’re sure you won’t be single for long.
- 10 Tips To Make Your Dating Profile More Engaging - The key to getting the right matches on any dating site or app goes beyond using the right photos. In many cases, getting connected with the best match for you comes down to the way your entire profile looks together. The better you are at creating a profile that is true to who you are and what you look like, the more genuine matches you’ll connect with. Read on for 10 ways to spice up your dating profile.
- 5 Highly Powerful Habits of Happy Couples - There’s no better and potent feeling than being in love and having a long-term relationship full of mutual respect, passion and trust. Have you ever seen couples in love and thought: “I wish to have what they have”. The thing is, no relationship is good as it is, as there is a lot of sacrifice and effort in order to make it last. All happy couples have habits and the ways that make them trust each other, so if you’re currently in a relationship or you simply wish to learn something new, here are five useful and powerful habits of happy couples
- 10 Common Mistakes Single Women Make - Single life can be fun and liberating, but it's also incredibly tough for most of women. That's especially true if you're not single by choice. Whether you've been on a relentless quest to find the perfect man or have been daydreaming about him, repeated disappointments can turn youthful optimism into hopeless despair. Before you give up however, you should consider the possibility that you've been making some avoidable mistakes that most women do. The great thing about mistakes is that you can learn from your own or from those made by others and take evasive action. So, here are 10 of the most common mistakes that single women make.
- How to Date an Introvert: A Guide For Extroverts - Dating can be an amazing experience full of fun meetings, sharing stories and falling in love. But the very first step of approaching someone you are really interested in can be daunting. You don't know how to approach them and what to say, and most of all – you don't know if they like you back. This can be hard enough if the other person is open, talkative and friendly, but if you get a crush on an introvert, you mind find it tricky to get to know them and talk to them, because they can seem distant and uncaring. Here's how to go around that:
- 10 Tips For Online Dating In College - Dating in college is a whole another league of its own. If you had an active dating life in high school, you might think you got this as you step into your college as a freshman—but fair warning; you are going to get quite the shock of your life. Dates previously meant a movie, a dinner, and a drive but in college, it is more likely to be you and your date sitting in somebody's dorm room watching Netflix and eating takeout and you have a test next day. Or best yet, you end spending time in the Laundromat and call it a date (I'm not saying I'm guilty of this, but yes).
- 10 Most Important Things to Talk About With a Girl You Just Met - Talking with a girl you just met can seem pretty challenging, especially if it's your first time. Luckily, learning a few critical conversation topics to start with can help you avoid those awkward silences and allow you to create positive connections. The following are some of the main things you need to use to create a flowing conversation that ultimately creates attraction with a girl you just met...
- How to Manage Being a Single Parent and Dating - Single moms are akin to superheroes, and just like superheroes, their life can get pretty impossible to manage. If you're raising kids on your own, you are probably giving them all of the time and energy that you have available – not leaving much for yourself. And if you're at a stage where you're ready to start seeing other people again, you have a whole new lot of problems to deal with. So here are some tips on surviving the dating world as a single mom looking for new love...
- Abstain From Saying These Things While On a Date - Dating is a blend of both good and bad. You get to learn something from every person you date and if you are someone who's planning his first, you need to understand what to talk and what NOT to talk to your partner. Just to make sure that you have a smooth run, the following are the worst things that you should not say to your date...
- How to Know If a Shy Girl Likes You - Shyness is an emotion that affects how a person feels and behaves around others. Don't be confused between shyness and being introverted. Shyness is also partly a result of genes a person has inherited. It can be influenced by behaviors that they've learned, the ways people have reacted to their shyness, and life experiences they've had. This kind of person prefers to conceal their feelings rather than confess it to the person she likes. Even if they are good in keeping their mouth shut, their actions speak their feelings. If you have an eye on her and want to know her more, here a list of signs to know if she likes you.
- What Happens When Introverts Marry Extroverts: 8 Crucial Things To Know - Imagine the classic marriage conflict: it is a nice quite evening, and you want to enjoy the peace by just lying down on the bed and watching some Netflix. Your partner on the other hand wants to head out and have a late night at the pub. Or imagine being at a loud party, where one partner is having the time of their life dancing, while the other one is gritting their teeth with boredom and disappointment. Now, imagine living this way for the rest of your life with your partner. The conundrum of introverts marrying extroverts can often get to the head.
- Dating Feminists: How to Avoid Mistakes - Feminism is an ideology that has become very popular in this age. It advocates for equal rights and opportunities for both of the sexes. Guys make a lot of mistakes when dating a woman already but make even more when dating a feminist. Many men are afraid of dating feminists because they feel intimidated by them. However, it is not that hard to be in a relationship with a feminist as it might seem, you just have to learn how to avoid putting your foot in your mouth. If you are here, you are already thinking about dating one with these values. Below are some tips on how you can avoid making mistakes when dating a feminist.
- 10 Creative Date Ideas That Will Blow Her Mind - You've been dating her for a while. All's well in paradise. Your sex life is hotter than an erupting volcano. You spend time with each other and hours are flying by like seconds. You just cannot keep your hands and your minds off each other. But. There's always a but. But that won't last forever. If you want to keep that spark, you need to stay on your game. Mix things up. Keep suprising her...
- 10 Ways To Know If Your Relationship Is Codependent Or Dependent - Take a look around you, at your workplace, college, or even in the subway. You will see couples. Couples who are together, those who are really close to each other, you might even see someone scolding their other half for being late, and you might also see those who might be fighting. What do you see? Do you find anything common in them? You might be thinking, what could be common in them when they are not even behaving the same. You are right. No two relationships are alike. But you can differentiate...
- 50 Inexpensive First Date Ideas - To make a first date successful, it has to be fun and inexpensive. It must be a date that lets you and your potential partner get to know each other and still keep both of you occupied. As you finally mustered the courage to ask the guy out, now your ultimate problem is this: what should you do on the date? If you need some ideas, we have put together 50 activities that you can choose from. And once you have selected the activity that you want, make sure that you have a matching outfit, too.
- 12 Successful First Date Conversation Tips - Today, convincing someone to date you isn't so hard as it was before. The challenge now is how to strike a meaningful conversation. The things you say will eventually be the deciding factor about your second date. Everyone gets jittery on the first date. We all want to make sure that we do things right and that we do not offend the other party. The best kind of conversation is an organic one. It has to be natural. The problem is most first dates turn some people into non-stop talking robots. To prevent this, we have prepared 12 tips to make your conversations more meaningful.
- 3 Useful Ideas to Better Your Dating Life - I was out with a friend last night at a bar in the city. Three girls sat beside him. I knew he didn't have the balls to say Hi, so I did a mini coaching session right there and gave him a prep talk. I also demonstrated first and spoke to two American girls beside me. If you free yourself, you free others as well. Secondly, I guided him to say Hi to the girls him and got him to introduce me to her friends...
- How to Give Relationship Advice that People Will Actually Take - One of the girls I used to date in Tokyo said to me: "Marcus, you aren't really good at lying you know." I simply laughed it off. I guess being bluntly honest is one of my charms. One of the cornerstone of my dating advice site is based on authenticity. It's the bedrock of how I approached my dating life in the last half of decade. I prided myself on being blunt for years. I would dish out the cold hard truth to everyone that came my way, friends or family, if that meant a strict no or harsh opinion, I would simply blurt it out.
- Real Health Benefits of Cuddling - We do not have to say goodbye to some TLC just because Valentine's Day is over. We all want to feel the familiar kind of comfort that wraps around us when someone we love hugs us. This can also come from cuddling with your other half. Studies show that there is a reason why physical touch is important to our emotional well-being.
- 10 Major Mistakes Men Make That Destroy Relationships - People make mistakes every single day. Accidentally buying milk when you have a full carton in the fridge is a mistake you can live with. However, there are other serious mistakes that aren't so forgivable - especially when it comes to married life and relationships. Every relationship you have teaches you a new lesson. You learn to avoid toxic relationships, solve relationship issues through communication, and give more quality time to your married life. But, if your relationships keep failing, might you be the one bringing negative qualities to your romantic life?
- Why It's Awesome To Be Married To An Entrepreneur - Getting married should be the biggest adventure in any couple's life. This adventure gets even bigger when someone marries an entrepreneur. There are many who may warn against marrying someone who is starting their own business. And with good reason. There will be many long hours, financial mishaps, and stress like you can't believe. But for certain couples, married entrepreneurship can be one of the most satisfying experiences.
- Signs of an Insecure Man / Boyfriend - Sometimes, a man can behave in ways that are difficult to understand. If his behavior is confusing you, you might want to start digging deeper. Sometimes, these erratic behaviors are signs of insecurities. If not addressed, it can lead to a sour relationship. Men display their insecurities in many ways. Some show aggression while some are too timid to stand up for themselves. While these men can be a potential problem in the future, there a few of them that only need a little nudge to change.
- 25 Signs, Qualities & Traits of a Great Boyfriend - Not all boyfriends are as good as they should be. And if you are wondering how to find that out, there are 25 signs that you need to look out for. It is always easy to have a boyfriend, but finding a really good one is much more challenging. And if you ever do find one, it is very likely that he is already taken. This article is about some tips to help you find a really good boyfriend—one that you should keep.
- Trying Too Hard To Impress Your Date? Don't Do It! - Nothing is more embarrassing than trying hard to impress a date and miserably failing at it. A lot of women prefer transparency over hype. Trying to impress them with money, lavishness, and your political connection may not work all the time, unless if they have a vested interest on these things. In fact, many women will find it obnoxious, dull, and uncomfortable. As a result, your effort to impress becomes counterproductive.
- Best Christian Dating Blogs - Top Blogs for Dating Christians - We've scoured the net and compiled a list of some of the best dating blogs for Christians. Our top list of Christian dating blogs are excellent resources for single Christian men and women of the faith who looking for dating advice and tips. Evangelical Christians and Catholics make up the vast majority of single people in the United States and even Europe and Australia. So check out these Christian dating blogs to get some ideas on dating, religious compatibility and building a deeper, spiritual, romantic relationship with your partner.
- How to End a Short Term Relationship Quickly and Politely - Have you ever been in a short term relationship, or even a first date with someone and just didn't feel the chemistry? Maybe he or she just isn't attractive, or maybe there was some really short-term chemistry that immediately fizzled out (beer vision?), or maybe their personality wasn't what you first expected. We all know the feeling, it's highly uncomfortable "forcing" a relationship with someone you just aren't into, but at the same time, you don't want to hurt their feelings. We will offer some dating advice on how to end these kinds of relationships quickly and politely.
- The Most Attractive Part of a Man's Body According to Women - Have you ever wondered what physical part of a man's body is most attractive to women? Most men assume that women prefer 6-pack abs, big biceps or muscular legs. However, the answer will likely surprise not only men, but also women! It turns out that the most attractive part of a man's body is... Forearms. Yes, you read that correctly, and we will go into the details and provide the proof!
- Dating Sites with Video Chat & Audio Calls - Safer Dating Online - Anyone who is dating online never actually knows who they are really communicating with until they meet in person. Wouldn't it be nice to actually see and hear the person before actually meeting them? Our site now has the ability to allow members to do exactly that, by using live, video web cam chat! Not only is this a convenient feature to have, it actually makes online dating much safer as we will explain below.
- Alternative Dating Site for Craigslist Personals - Craigslist Shut Down - Were you surprised to learn that Craigslist Personals had suddenly shut down out of the blue? If you were using Craigslist for dating, we have a new alternative for single men and women to connect and hang out. We will also explain the cause of why Craigslist shut down their dating and personals section, some history behind it, and why you may still have some luck using our site instead.
- How To Approach & Attract Women - Discover the best places to approach women and deliver a perfect pick up line that works every time! Two of the most frequent questions that guys ask me is: "Where can I meet attractive women? What do I say when I approach them?" These are questions that require some consideration, but not too much. Attractive women are everywhere, but most guys seem to get stuck in a scarcity mindset thinking otherwise.
- How to Get a Girl to Like You - Many single guys out there have always wondered: How do I get girls to like me? How do I get women interested in me? While it can be difficult to determine exactly what she is interested in, there are some great (and simple) tips to keep in mind that almost all women will have a common interest in. The following behaviors and habits will definitely improve your overall chances in getting any girl interested in you, and it's not as complicated as one might think!
- Free Alternative to Plenty Of Fish (POF) Dating Site - Are you a single member at Plenty Of Fish ( dating site? You are probably searching for a new and 100% free alternative dating site due to recent changes at POF. There is some background information you need to know about POF in order to understand their recent changes, and why you will want to join our dating site instead.
- How to Find a Date for Valentine's Day - Valentine's Day (February 14th) is coming up and you are still looking for a date! There are some easy steps you can take to find a date by Valentine's Day. These tips can be used at any time of year to help improve your odds of finding someone to fall in love with. First, we will go through some statistics and then come up with great ideas!
- How Far to Travel for a First Date? - How far should I travel for a first date? How far away should my date be? These are important questions many people ask when it comes to practical dating, especially for a first date. There is no correct answer, and in fact, it is not uncommon for singles to travel completely across the world in the name of true love!
- Online Dating Scams: How to Avoid Them - Scammers are everywhere on the internet, and they also hunt for victims on online dating sites. There are a number of red flags and signs to watch out for. These scammers mostly target men, but women are still just vulnerable as well. We will go through a list of common dating scams, red flags to watch out for, and how to protect yourself from fraud.
- Dating Pet Owners & Animal Lovers - Find Singles Interested In Animals - Find Singles Interested In Animals - Are you a fan of pets or do you love animals? Are you single and interested in dating a fellow pet lover and animal lover? Believe it or not, most of the population has a soft spot for animals and many more women than men are pet lovers!
- Finding a Gamer Girl to Date - Dating Sites for Single Video Gamers - One of the hottest trends in online dating is the geek lifestyle. In particular, single gamers with a shared interest in video gaming. Gaming is thought to be a predominantly male activity, but studies show that there are far more girl gamers out there than most people realize.
- Dating for Tall Singles - Are Tall Women Attractive for Dating? - One dating question we receive quite often is: 'I am very tall, am I attractive for dating?' or 'I am a very tall women, will guys be interested in me?' The answer: Heck Yeah!
- The Best Time of Year for Online Dating - Of all the days of the year, it turns out that around 9PM on the first Sunday of the New Year is the best time and day of the year for online dating due to New Year Resolution commitments. Activity and sign ups on dating sites are expected to peak 50% above normal during this time. There is also a best hour of the day and best day of the week for dating throughout the year.
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