
862 Views 220 Players 0 Comments Last Played: 02/19/24

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Description: Can you finish 501 points with the smallest number of throws?

Introduction: Throw and amaze the crowd by hitting the bullseye! Your target in this game is to reduce your initial 501 points to 0 with the fewest throws, while the last throw that ends the game must hit the double ring or the bullseye. The dartboard is divided into 20 sections which carry scores from 1 to 20. Each section is further divided into 4 regions by an outer ring (the double ring) and an inner ring (the triple ring). Hitting any of the two larger regions gives the point value of that section, while hitting the double ring gives double points of that section and the triple ring gives triple points of the section, for example, when a dart hits the double ring in the section of 3 points, you can receive 6 points, and when a dart hits the triple ring of 3 points, you can get 9 points. The red dot at the center of the dartboard is the bullseye that gives 50 points, and the green ring outside the bullseye is the bull's ring that gives 25 points. Each turn you will be given 3 darts, and you can click the dartboard to aim, then click again to shoot according to the power gauges. Any score you received from a throw will be deducted from the initial 501 points, as indicated at the top left corner of the screen. The last dart you throw to finish the game must hit the double ring or the bullseye, and if you fail to so, the turn will be forfeited and the score will be reset to that before that turn starts. Showcase your wonderful shooting skills and rise to stardom!This game was suggested by Anees Iqbal.

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High Scores
GamerTurnsDartsTime Date
RedRenee20205255.802 01/16/24
RedRenee20206260.115 12/26/23
RedRenee20206265.328 12/26/23
RedRenee20206368.249 12/26/23
kr1s24686369.283 02/04/24
kr1s24686375.432 02/18/24
kr1s24686379.398 02/04/24
RedRenee20206380.184 12/26/23
RedRenee20206387.241 12/26/23
RedRenee20207158.120 01/16/24
kr1s24687167.999 02/18/24
RedRenee20207168.051 12/26/23
RedRenee20207172.210 12/26/23
RedRenee20207174.528 12/26/23
RedRenee20207175.078 12/26/23
kr1s24687272.128 02/18/24
RedRenee20207277.337 12/26/23
kr1s24687278.322 01/18/24
kr1s24687289.648 01/18/24
RedRenee20207369.915 12/26/23
kr1s24687370.482 02/19/24
kr1s24687375.882 02/04/24
RedRenee20207376.814 01/16/24
RedRenee20207380.583 12/31/23
RedRenee20207381.783 12/26/23
kr1s24687382.810 02/18/24
RedRenee20207390.323 12/26/23
kr1s24687395.595 02/04/24
RedRenee20207397.791 12/26/23
RedRenee202073104.305 12/03/23
kr1s246873104.410 02/04/24
kr1s246873117.140 01/22/24
RedRenee20208163.975 01/16/24
RedRenee20208170.179 12/26/23
RedRenee20208172.093 12/26/23
RedRenee20208172.681 12/26/23
kr1s24688174.615 02/19/24
RedRenee20208177.349 12/26/23
RedRenee20208180.430 12/26/23
RedRenee20208180.656 12/26/23
kr1s24688193.862 02/04/24
RedRenee20208196.488 01/16/24
kr1s246881100.720 02/18/24
RedRenee202081216.682 09/09/23
RedRenee202081237.741 12/26/23
RedRenee20208263.081 12/25/23
kr1s24688280.405 02/04/24
RedRenee20208284.249 12/31/23
RedRenee20208285.187 12/26/23
kr1s24688285.480 02/04/24
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