Sequence Master

482 Views 4 Players 0 Comments Last Played: 03/23/23

Your Mastery Level:

Description: Test your memory and sequencing logic.

Introduction: Can you make full use of your active memory to retrive the required information? At the start of each level, you will first be given a grid which contains some numbers or letters. After a few seconds, the grid will be covered and you can no longer read the data on it. Your task is to click and reveal the numbers or letters previously shown according to the required sequence displayed at the bottom of the screen. Notice that this must be done within the time limit shown at the top right corner, or you will lose. Each correct answer gives 100 points, and the accumulated bonus for each of the correct answers is 50 points. As you reach higher levels, the grid size will increase and more numbers or letters will be given. Be careful with every single click as one wrong answer leads to the end of the game!

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High Scores
GamerLevelCorrectTime Date
DominantInclinations5619.980 06/27/20
DominantInclinations4516.871 06/27/20
DominantInclinations326.621 06/27/20
Legend_of_Smith2012.644 03/23/23
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