US State Flags Quiz

492 Views 5 Players 0 Comments Last Played: 11/07/23

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Description: Test your knowledge about US state flags

Introduction: In this game you will be tested for your knowledge about US state flags. Each time you will be given a flag and a few choices of US state names, you need to pick up the one that uses the flag shown. In each question you will be given 10 seconds to answer, the faster you can pick up the correct answer, the higher your score. Marks will also be deducted if the time is up or if you answer incorrectly. The questions are grouped into different levels, the flags in higher levels are harder to recognize.

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High Scores
GamerCorrectTime Date
RedRenee2020830.327 11/07/23
RedRenee2020851.997 11/07/23
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