Word Scramble II

653 Views 321 Players 0 Comments Last Played: 12/20/23

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Description: How many words can you form with the given letters?

Introduction: Earn yourself the title of "word game expert" in the new challenge of Scramble! Your goal in this game is to form words with 3 to 5 letters by using the given letter tiles. When the game starts, you will be given 5 randomly selected letter tiles, while the numbers of letters of the possible words will be hinted underneath. You can click and drag the tiles to rearrange them, then drag them to the box at the top of the screen, or use your keyboard to type the letters. After a word is formed, click the Submit button or press Enter on your keyboard. If the submitted word is correct, it will be displayed at the bottom, and you will receive a score based on the length of the word. Time bonuses will be awarded if you can form multiple words quickly. When the timer at the bottom of the screen counts down to zero, the game ends. Put aside your dictionary form words by using your massive vocabulary!

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High Scores
GamerCompletenessWordsTime Date
shoshoneDiamond1000041707.044 12/19/23
shoshoneDiamond1000037688.744 12/18/23
shoshoneDiamond1000033319.954 12/06/23
shoshoneDiamond1000027258.504 12/08/23
shoshoneDiamond1000027411.451 12/05/23
shoshoneDiamond1000027421.177 12/05/23
shoshoneDiamond1000027456.334 12/14/23
shoshoneDiamond1000026271.511 11/30/23
shoshoneDiamond1000024317.097 12/18/23
shoshoneDiamond1000024443.974 12/08/23
shoshoneDiamond1000023187.897 12/08/23
shoshoneDiamond1000023283.266 12/01/23
shoshoneDiamond1000023312.161 12/04/23
shoshoneDiamond1000023351.061 12/19/23
shoshoneDiamond1000023405.917 12/04/23
shoshoneDiamond1000022218.611 11/30/23
shoshoneDiamond1000022246.987 12/04/23
shoshoneDiamond1000021372.527 12/05/23
shoshoneDiamond1000019150.094 12/01/23
shoshoneDiamond1000019164.130 12/04/23
shoshoneDiamond1000019177.847 12/01/23
shoshoneDiamond1000019206.604 12/05/23
shoshoneDiamond1000018121.700 12/05/23
shoshoneDiamond1000018193.287 12/05/23
shoshoneDiamond1000018214.117 12/14/23
shoshoneDiamond1000018226.511 12/05/23
shoshoneDiamond1000018241.074 12/04/23
shoshoneDiamond1000018297.594 12/13/23
shoshoneDiamond1000017122.864 12/02/23
shoshoneDiamond1000017139.120 12/19/23
shoshoneDiamond1000017155.417 12/01/23
shoshoneDiamond1000017180.957 11/30/23
shoshoneDiamond1000017194.414 12/01/23
shoshoneDiamond1000017196.727 12/01/23
shoshoneDiamond1000017208.551 12/03/23
shoshoneDiamond1000017245.961 12/03/23
shoshoneDiamond1000017285.431 12/04/23
shoshoneDiamond1000016128.737 12/05/23
shoshoneDiamond1000016136.004 12/03/23
RedRenee20201000016161.805 08/13/23
shoshoneDiamond1000016168.047 12/01/23
shoshoneDiamond1000016176.077 12/07/23
RedRenee20201000016201.260 08/13/23
shoshoneDiamond1000016275.107 12/18/23
shoshoneDiamond1000015102.624 12/04/23
shoshoneDiamond1000015115.067 12/08/23
shoshoneDiamond1000015172.264 12/04/23
shoshoneDiamond1000015240.264 12/05/23
shoshoneDiamond1000015252.460 12/05/23
RedRenee20201000015269.109 08/13/23
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