Word Search II

946 Views 77 Players 0 Comments Last Played: 02/18/24

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Description: Locate the given words among numerous letter tiles.

Introduction: Can you spot the needles in the haystack? Your target in this game is to find out all of the given words on the grid. You will be given a large grid which contains numerous letter tiles, and a word list will be placed on the right of the screen. The words may run horizontally, vertically or diagonally and from any directions, such as from right to left, from bottom right to top left, etc. Click and drag the corresponding letters on the grid as you spot a word, but be careful with your moves as 1000 points will be deducted for any wrong word. If you cannot find the required words, you may click the Hint button at the bottom of the screen to receive a hint, but note that each time you do so you will lose 1000 points. The amount of time you have spent and your current score will be recorded under the word list. Search for the words now and accomplish the task quickly for rich rewards!

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High Scores
GamerTime Date
Irish_Sweetheart142.303 01/27/24
kr1s2468147.616 02/18/24
kittykat1747151.656 01/21/24
Irish_Sweetheart156.740 01/29/24
Irish_Sweetheart163.033 01/29/24
kr1s2468178.287 02/18/24
Irish_Sweetheart184.105 02/07/24
Irish_Sweetheart187.586 12/28/23
GingerSunshine190.283 09/10/23
Irish_Sweetheart194.888 12/01/23
kr1s2468197.823 02/18/24
BarabooJay39207.566 12/28/19
Irish_Sweetheart207.566 12/01/23
Irish_Sweetheart216.098 12/01/23
Irish_Sweetheart219.180 11/29/23
BarabooJay39222.486 12/28/19
Irish_Sweetheart223.114 02/14/24
Irish_Sweetheart224.044 12/08/23
Irish_Sweetheart230.977 12/05/23
Irish_Sweetheart240.318 11/29/23
Irish_Sweetheart240.503 12/28/23
Irish_Sweetheart249.132 12/08/23
Irish_Sweetheart266.084 02/14/24
Irish_Sweetheart285.939 11/29/23
Irish_Sweetheart288.350 01/19/24
DominantInclinations291.907 05/18/20
Irish_Sweetheart299.771 01/02/24
Irish_Sweetheart300.522 12/10/23
Irish_Sweetheart301.286 12/06/23
Irish_Sweetheart306.543 11/29/23
Irish_Sweetheart308.802 11/29/23
Irish_Sweetheart310.315 11/30/23
NOHOsteve314.575 09/24/23
Petras1970315.717 10/03/23
Irish_Sweetheart319.595 11/30/23
Irish_Sweetheart320.114 02/14/24
shoshoneDiamond322.783 11/30/23
Irish_Sweetheart328.107 11/30/23
Irish_Sweetheart328.364 11/30/23
Irish_Sweetheart332.660 12/01/23
Irish_Sweetheart339.484 02/18/24
DominantInclinations339.506 05/18/20
Irish_Sweetheart340.686 11/30/23
Irish_Sweetheart344.664 02/14/24
Irish_Sweetheart347.094 12/10/23
Irish_Sweetheart355.915 12/10/23
Irish_Sweetheart356.531 12/05/23
Irish_Sweetheart370.219 11/29/23
Irish_Sweetheart371.986 12/08/23
Irish_Sweetheart372.483 12/08/23
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