Calibre 2048
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Description: Put gears together to form the movement of a mechanical watch
Introduction: Experience the difficult in creating the movement of a mechanical watch. In this game there will be a table with gears on it. You can tilt the table and all the gears will slide to one direction. If two gears of the same type collide, they will merge into a larger set of gears, which can in turn merge with another set of gears to form an even larger set of gears, and so on until finally merge into a complete mechanical watch movement - Calibre 2048. After each tilt of the table, a new gear will be dropped to an empty space in the table. You need to plan your moves strategically so that gears can be merged into larger and larger sets. When the whole table is filled with gears and you cannot merge any gears by tilting the table in any direction, the game is over.
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Gamer | Score | Date |
DominantInclinations | 4250 | 05/19/20 |