Madetwoinvadeyou: Looking for my friend, lover, confident, my everything.

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About Me:
I'm a perfectionist, but not in some things where most perfectionist are.
I like to take people where they've never been, remove them from their comfort zone and lead them to the place they fantasize about but didn't do it on their own for whatever reasons .
I am somewhat of an introvert, but as all my qualities and flaws seem to connect , you could say I have very simple views and expectations.
I was raised as a Roman Catholic but tend to follow the teachings and philosophy behind the Buddhist yet, finding truth and sincerity in both.
Have always voted except twice voted for the Conservative party, yet again, I consider myself as a conservative-Liberal, and stumble more than not in the realm of Libertarianism.
I am also a drummer whom loves to play them and have 5 children , all but 1 are grown and have kids, but my youngest is 11 years old which is my lif band every two weekends she is with me and...herself is a very good drummer and can do many things I can't on drums. I am a person of his moral values but easilly convey that I'm also one who hates to follow what other consider to be morally right, which that we can discuss later. You must be a person of integrity but most of what I value is honesty and commitment . I am not talking about being a person that puts up a front to others, that's the worst of all personality flaws to me. I can live with a person not being with others , I don't have a jealous bone in my body and have never judged a woman regardless of her lifestyle as long as she owns up to whatever she likes or dislikes.
I'm an executive that spends my life working day and night on a phone trying to battle obsticles and do damage control,and for the most part , employed in a very serious and not too fun of a career.
I am an U.S. Army veteran and a former amateur and former professional boxer in my teens and twenties, and now I am one of two coaches of a group of male and female amateur boxers in Santa Ana.
I am a strong hobbyist, I buy and sell antiques and am a collector of them and coins both. But my favorite hobby is one that I hope the woman who wants me has the same love as I do for this favorite pastime as mine which is generally exposed in a quick and timely mabndg
Thank you for reading about me.
My Ideal Match:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 18 years old and younger than 42 years old.
Sender must be located within 20 miles of this user.