keima97: A little about me.

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About Me:
My name is Muneer.
OK well,I don't think I'll be able to put this in a single self summary but here goes...
I've been running since childhood cause I like running. Freedom, to be precise, privacy is the most crucial thing I need most of the time.
I'm usually extreme introvert or extrovert.
I'm nicknamed "Deep Thinker" by my friends, robe fair it's more of a taunt. I am usually lost in my own world imagining stuff that's left for me to discover or innovate, or some scenari...Not that I'm a loner but I just like observing people and reading their minds. I'm also a wierdo coz I'm the one among maybe a few people in the city I'm in right now who listens Japanese songs and watches AMVs.
I did my entire schooling in the Arab, I'm pursuing EEE in one of the national institutes of India. And, I got 2 brothers and one sister.
I am a passionate gamer, PC mostly. Although I started off from consoles mainly, but by passionate I don't mean like I am a twitch streamer or something, although I did try it once.
I'm INFJ personality-for those who know what it means.
I like psychology.
I dance, when no one's watching me coz I suck at it.
Let me get this straight, I'm not looking for sex or anything, what I seek is more of an intellectual connection to begin with, then if we sync, let's see what comes next.
I believe in true love & hoping to find someone special, not in a rush though, cause haste makes waste of an effort.
When it comes to sports I just love basket-ball and TT. And Lawn Tennis too, but I'm a rookie at the moment. I'd listen to any song of any language as long as it has good music & sensible lyrics recently got into EDMs.
I feel that making friends is not just for namesake, I don't take a TRUE friend light ever.
I am always there when a friend needs me...
My friends define me;To me losing a friend is as losing a part of me..That's something I cannot imagine & I don't even want to.I'm not a pervert & I'm not looking for hookups ..just wanna make new friends I can cherish for life.
I say all that but I'm not perfect myself either, part of me prefers to not widen my friend circle coz it just means I'd have to be that much responsible. Sure it goes both ways,
I hate it when someone just goes their own way w/o considering others feelings.It really gets on my nerves. In a way it's a flaw of mine, one of the many.
I am a non-veg freak. I like sword fighting, anime, game aad well as in pretend.
Pretty random I know, just can't help it.
Honestly I think after reading the initial parts of this, you might think I'm a total weirdo, immature perhaps, well sorry for giving the wrong idea in that case, but I'm a kid at heart; I am who I am. I definitely never go back on my word and I can keep into a relation once I get one that is, considering I ever get in one.
Once again, I apologize if all this, I mean my self summary seemed to be a bit vague or something, I'm not good at describing myself in one essay.
Stuff I think I'm good at:
-Planning, be it for any development but only as long as I'm fully aware of all the routes to the solution...& if there isn't any,I'd have to create one.
-Maintaining bonds.
-Helping out others.
-Messing up even though I try not to
-gaming since it's my hobby...& I'm good at difficult things & bad in easy things..well...most of the time.
Talking of games,I've played..
Killzone series
AC series
Crysis series
These days I game Dota 2 it's an MMORPG, and another hobby of mine is I YouTube quite a bit actually.
-Time management
Stuff I like:
I got many favorite movies,but only some take the spotlight completely...Ride Along,Ace Ventura, Lucy,Limitless, This means War,The MASK, Divergent,Step Up series,Blue Streak,Wild Hogs,Disney,Dreamworks & Marvel & DC movies, like The Incredible Hulk, Origins Wolverine, Iron Man and Spider Man series too.. And...
AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON!!.....and also The Social Network and The Internship. These 2 movies just fire me up!! Spy is pretty good too,and also The Wedding Ringer; I'm a huge fan of Kevin Hart!
I'll watch any movie as long as it's good in terms of action & comedy.I love horror!!
Books....The Hound Of Baskerville-That's the only novel I ever read with enthusiasm ....
But then I'm completely into mangas & anime.
I watch One Piece,Fate stay night,TWGOK & many more. Currently watching Hero Academia and High score girl.
-My favorite food is KATAKAT,well it's a Pakistani dish which is hot & spicy plus its full non-veg!Of course I love Hyderabadi(Indian) biryani too. Teriyaki rocks! I also like Mexican,Italian & Continental...As long as food has non veg..I'm good! Not that in against veg or anything, I prefer non-veg that's all.
-I used to be Eminem fan until recently I've become a swifty.I listen even Lady Antebellum's..My taste for music just keeps on I've started even listening Japanese songs!!I'd listen to just about anything as long as it has sensible lyrics. The lyrics, music and video if it's outstanding, I get positive goosebumps.