Uh...my shadow
member offline wwhite0028
56, Lake Wales

member offline wwhite0028: "I'm Not a di¢k" "I got a...but, Not a...hmm sounds like a

56 year old Man, 6'3" (191 cm)
Woman, for Casual Dating / No Commitment
Body Type:
Free Thinker
Catv contractor
Some College/University
Regular Smoker, Drinks Sometimes, Drugs Sometimes
Uh...my shadow
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More Details:

Martial Status:
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Longest Relationship:
Over 4 years
Second Language:
My Exercise Habits:
I Don't Exercise Often
Has Children?
Want Children?
Has Pets?
No Pets
Has Car?
Political Views:
I Dont Follow Politics
Postal Zip Code Area:
33859, FL

About Me:

What I did over the summer:
by: Wayne
I didn't go anywhere because I was working, the end. Haha, couldn't resist, when I'm given a 200 character minimum it just infuriates, what if I don't have 200 characters worth of shit to say?!? Right!?! I mean how many people who are on here with the sole intention of "hooking up" and don't know yet if they'll care to even give a true and reliable way to be tracked down. Oh yeah, I just wanna do it 'agen....'agen the counter...'agen the couch...'agen the hood of the car....' agen anything, anytime. I like intelligence, I think it's frickn sexy, and usually those women are freaks outright or need a little coaxing, and I know how to coax, remember, I'm catv contractor, ha ha ha, that was stupid I know, sorry, look, I'm decent looking, I hope, tall and slender, but best of all I'll make ya laugh, and will be the guy you really like hanging with. Why, you ask? Well, I'll tell you, bc I know how to treat another human being, we all want to be heard so I listen, we all look for affirmation that what we bring to the table is desired by others, everyone has something about them that is awesome, sexy, attractive, desired, an assuming non judgmental person can usually see those qualities quicker than most and I just enjoy the company of good women, or bad women, depends on my mood. If you want to have fun with no pressure of obligation or no inhibitions, hmu, you will be glad you did, haha, na really you will

My Ideal Match:

I hope to be found by a woman who is way too good for me and knows it...no, that's not what I hope for, at least not today, ha. Ok fur real, same blah blah...found by a woman who will become utterly obsessed with me sexually and get me to do things with her that will make it hard for me to look the women of my family (Mom, Sis, Aunt, Niece, etc.) in the eyes. How's that for deviant!?!

Ok I'm a bit of a class clown, although not my chosen personality trait, free thinker was, I genuinely and sincerely have the utmost reverence for women, I would be nothing less than a gentleman and a man to any woman whom I am with. At the same time I will do anything possible to try and get you naked as soon as possible, just saying. If you are not h*rny or take life too serious, you may not appreciate me, still try though, do not want to exclude anybody....well, maybe guys, nothing personal just not my bag of tea, haha haha, ok, that wasn't horrible, anyway, ya wanna....me too, let's

Mail Requirements:

This user has the following criteria that must be met before accepting messages from users:
   Sender must be from the following country: United States.
   Sender must be older than 18 years old and younger than 59 years old.
   Sender must be located within 100 miles of this user.

My Dating Discussions & Site Activity:

4 Forum Posts
  • wwhite0028 Dating Profile
    wwhite0028 Lake Wales, Florida, USA
    Nov 12, 2018 3:52 AM GMT
    Does age matterC'mon y'all ain't got all day... figuratively, haha
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  • wwhite0028 Dating Profile
    wwhite0028 Lake Wales, Florida, USA
    Nov 12, 2018 12:55 AM GMT
    Maybe yes, maybe nottold ya you'd like it, whew, soon as I can breath...whattuya say we go again?? but this time I'm getting behind you, ain't funny, still hurts a little.
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  • wwhite0028 Dating Profile
    wwhite0028 Lake Wales, Florida, USA
    Nov 12, 2018 12:44 AM GMT
    Anyone whos intertested"sup" "chatkat", whatcha wanna chat about? or not chat about? just establishing boundaries, this way I know if "an*l" is even on the table. I read somewhere it's crucial to have well defined an*l boundaries and to establish these types of limits before you feel hands on your shoulders, haha, okay, little about myself; well, I enjoy being verbally overbearing and I luv fuckn off, if these are the kinds of qualities you envy in a person, then hmu, I'm your man, and I think I can confidently say, you will "not" feel too sorry for meeting/getting to know, me, you can kinda count on that. Chat to ya Chatkat
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  • wwhite0028 Dating Profile
    wwhite0028 Lake Wales, Florida, USA
    Nov 11, 2018 11:51 PM GMT
    Sex toys Right?!?! but it look good on you
    I am just teasing, at your expense, post-er dude, but seriously, hey if you found that to be something that does it for you, that's all the affirmation it would take for me to...stretch...the boundaries until it goes from stimulating to trying like hell to remember the "safe word", then, you know, dial it back one notch, for a lil bit, ? what you said at the end I found,, disturbing, something to the affect of finding a woman who will negotiate with you the strap-on size,, as opposed to...a dictatorship?? haha, I'm just kiddn, I make more fun of myself, I kinda swear

    Edited: May 9, 2023 10:43 PM GMT
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