mkm1911: INTJ Hardcore Gamer

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About Me:
"Truth and loyalty above all else except honor."
How about I use bullet points to keep it organized and concise:
* I'm an INTJ
* I'm a Type 1 juvenile diabetic
* I'm an Army brat and the Army an essential part of me, which my diabetes prevented me from joining
* Medicine is my profession
* Some certifications I hold are EMT-I Medic, Firearms Instructor, Range Safety Officer
* My two primary hobbies are video gaming and firearms.
* I'm logical, calm under stress, sarcastic, and have a dark humor
* I'm organized and clean
* I have a personal goal to become a more enlightened and evolved human being
* I was born in Hawaii, so the ocean has a strong hold on me
* I'm very pragmatic
* I'm open-minded and accepting
* I have two sons
* I've been separated for almost 4 years. I have amazing health insurance. Essentially my ex needed that coverage to treat her cancer, which she discovered after the separation. It would be dishonorable to deny her a chance for life and recovery because of a mistake she made.
* Honor matters to me
* Truth and honesty matters a great deal as well
* I dislike small talk, I prefer deep and thoughtful conversation. I'm a hardcore introvert. Again... INTJ
* Autumn is my favorite season
* Although attractiveness matters, this is a pull subjective topic. There is an outside beauty to everyone, but I believe the the composition of a person's character shines through everything. I'm very rooted in the science of medicine, which allows me to accept everyone despite medical history.
* I find all races and body types of a woman beautiful. I don't see medical conditions as a distractor to her beauty. It's her character I fall for most of all.
* I am confident in my ability to find a solution to any problem. I can handle anything. I can adapt and overcome anything. All I need is an intrinsic reason to. There's nothing I can't do.
* I believe less is more. I'm a huge anti horder.
* If I had to choose, I prefer Star Trek over Star Wars.
My Ideal Match:
If I had to list what matters most to me in a woman, and in no particular order of value and importance, it would be:
* Truth and honesty
* A hardcore gamer
* Respectable character
* Strength. Strength of will and character. Strength to fight for her beliefs and the wisdom to see the truth. Strength to do what needs to be done, despite the emotional desire not to.
* Ability to accept the truth.
* Pragmatism over sentimentality.
* Independent
* A little nerdy