Steverino: New to Lexington and looking for a connection
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About Me:
Who am I? I'm just me. I don't put on airs or pretend to be something I'm not. I am witty, charming, friendly, and a little goofy. It's been a while since I've been in a relationship, and I am a little closed off. But I am worth the time it takes to get to know me.
I like to sing karaoke. I've got a good, deep baritone voice, and if I stay in my range (think Sinatra, Dean Martin, Nat King Cole...that era) I sound pretty good. I also like playing bar trivia. I build and fly model rockets. I'm interested in gardening and can't wait to start up a small vegetable garden in my yard this spring.
I like road trips. Getting out and going to tiny towns that I've never seen before. Meeting people, chatting with them....I'll never see them again, but everyone has a story to tell, and I'm eager to hear it.