MrDonkeyThick404: Yoooo!!! Live, Laugh , Love!!.. Work hard Play Hard

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About Me:
I work hard, so there is not so much time to play, 6'1" 202 lbs brown skin AA mixed male.I live 45 miles south of Atlanta Ga. I live alone, workout, very muscular toned, hairless body, Good Hygiene, very well hung,thick,cut.. I'm a v very comical person, goof ball at times, You can't live life every day so damn makes you a boring person.l,no drama, no stress you know.,
I'm basically looking for someone who knows what they want. I know what I want and want to work at that. Yes!!!, the bachelor life has it's pros.. But now its not beginning to out weigh the cons... Its not so much the commitment, I love a loyal, faithful, dedicated relationship like my parents had.. Its being with someone whom you equally gel with(I dont know who ever said opposites attract. Because thats some b.s).. In my spare time though, I work out, travel back home to visit family(Miami) work out, write, etc
. I mean I do. Find ways or things to keep me busy. But now its like, Yooo I need to chill, find that baby I can just vibe, here I am
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