Tracys51: I am a disabled women who wants to make new friends

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About Me:
I also have a rat terrier service dog who is going to be 15teen this month and she is my baby girl .
She also has cataracts and it looks like she might end up going blind but I take care of her just as she takes care of me.
I used to be in a relationship was together for almost 6 years then he decides to well let's just say he decides to break up with me on Christmas Eve and I am bisexual and now when it comes to trusting men I have a little issue with that one right now that's why I prefer to look for a lady friend.
My Ideal Match:
If you have a bad attitude move on if you're not faithful move on I want someone who's at the age of I'd say 46 to 56 no younger no older if you are younger please do not contact me if you're younger than 46 don't contact me if you're older than 56 I'm not interested I'm trying to keep it in the wrong age where I'm at cuz I really don't know how long I'm going to be on this planet and on this Earth I just want someone I can hang out with who's willing to watch movies with me who's willing to talk with me is willing to just play board games whatever or go for walks with me and my dog I do not drive because I'm epileptic I'm not allowed to drive because I have seizures I have health issues I'm on medication for it.
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 46 years old and younger than 56 years old.