Eastern_Flt1979: Responsible, Independent, Kind-hearted, & Humorous

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About Me:
I'm both very easy to talk to, & to deal
with, & are D&D-free, & neither smoke, do illicit drugs, nor drink. I am
a Christian, & do not believe in, nor shall I accept a 1-night stand,
or some basic, so-called 'platonic' relationship. I seek a long term
relationship with a SwF pref. from PA, 25-50, who drives or who understands how to use pub. transp., as I do.
> You must be an independent lady, and who can also stomach an independent, monogamous
& a creative man, who is in touch with his feelings.
> You must be emotionally stable, meaning... no unprovoked explosive nastiness, or I will xompletely abandon you.
> You must have a kind attitude, & have a good sense of humor.
> No egging me for $. I'm retired, & I'm no walking bank, so...
...don't ask.
> You MUST be a permanent res., of the US. I am not now, nor have I ever been the least bit suited to any long-dist. relat.
I have much to offer, in terms of being emotionally stable, very polite, & have very
good cooking skills, plus I happen to be very good with my hands.
I'm a creator, & love to create. It's both a blessing to me, & a gift.
I also greatly enjoy a whimsical sense of humor, & love to make others laugh
through impersonations, & a quick wit.
My Ideal Match:
I cannot stand rude, obnoxious, socially-retarded women, or who
try to bully me into some type of so-called platonic relationship. I am not, nor
shall I ever be suited to -->any<-- type of a platonic 'just buddies'
arrangement, end of story. Don't like that? Too bad. Beat it.