Geno1968: Geno
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More Details:
About Me:
I am a very active 74 year old. My hobbies include golfing, gardening (Master Gardener) dining out, finding new breweries. I am a snowbird spending six months in Michigan and six months in Arizona. I enjoy humor and having humor directed towards me. I enjoy all kinds of music. Enjoy watching sports, mostly college and NFL.
I am a widower so I don't do much cooking, I have been
known to burn water. My greatness characteristic is my
personality, I enjoy people. I am a caring person and respect the women I am with. I like being around people but also enjoy my privacy. Enjoy movies, trillers and horror. I enjoy the peace and quiet where I live, in a log cabin on a pond. The cabin is 1/2 miles into woods
I enjoy watching the wild animals and birds.
My Ideal Match:
Someone who enjoys people and enjoy the same thing
I enjoy. I also believe for a relationship to work a man should do some of the things she enjoys.