Spritely1217: Connoisseur Of Awesome seeking couples, women, men"¦

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More Details:
About Me:
Darn "seeking" classifications that the site provides are just two.
I love, love, couples of all kinds, but prefer committed and loving couples. Nothing like what you have there!
But also hot for individuals of any gender, trans"¦ too.
My experience is that if I please you and/or you both, that
I'll get mine too. I'm not at all pushy, but can take the lead if you/you two wish. Your pace is fine with me! Though, I'm a hugger, kisser, caresser, and with permission: fondeler, flat out appreciator/respecter of your own, special and individual boundaries.
I will absolutely abide by them, even if they change (as they surely will) as I offer myself to you as a willing participant in most anything that you/you two want to try or love to do.
I'm hungry for most anything with most anyone(s.) From prudish, newbies to experienced, old hands, who know the ropes. Short, tall, skinny or extra pounds, any ethnicity, gender, sexual preference, marital status, experience level, age"¦ - I love you all!
I'm an adherent of the disabled, even if you have "lost your way" in dealing with your specific condition.
Egad! Have been with quads who ripped my head off in an amazingly pleasurable way. Bed or wheelchair ridden, where there is a will, there is a way, huh?
Though advanced stages of dementia"¦, might hinder us, I love to ride those ups and downs with you. After all, in the end, Mother Nature will rob us all of everything. So, we can make hay while the sun shines, even if it's only for short spurts here and there.
Love the diversity of body types, races, creeds, colors, ethnicities"¦ in the World. The spice in life is both diversity and the joy of deeply intimate, long-lived, relationships. Hungry to experience you all in the full bloom of your particular adaption and your unique, cultural flowering.
Religion or specific hang ups? Love to explore them with you and abide by your current feelings and boundaries. But at the same time, love to help you out of and dogma that you might have you stuck, sexually or otherwise.
Keystone of any relationship is open, honest, and frequent communication. In addition, ethical and "liberalized morality" that is NOT just religious or political dogma.
They don't call me Spritely for nothing! I'm passionate, adventuresome, and have been rewarded with trust and respect by every one of my lovers. Even to the extent of being regarded as World's Best Lover, and as such, "being given" as a gift to my lover's friends and relatives.
My Ideal Match:
In or out of the bedroom, I've a very wide range of interests and experience with many things in the World. And I'm hell bent for leather to taste more!
From dancing, to music, food, wine, hiking, exercise, photography, nudism, porn of the non-exploitive kind"¦
Love forming long lasting relationships and/or short-lived ones. Either "let's try this and move on" or "Mmmm, let's do this again", suits me just fine. Though I reserve the right to pine for, perhaps, "forever repeats", but with the understanding and respect that this may not be what you want.
If only for coffee or a meal, I'd love to meet you and talk about any old damn thing that delights you. Past that, if we gel, hey! Sky's the limit. Love to experience the absolute of YOUR own, unique awesome. I know that while loving committed couples are an amazing unit to experience, I love to get to know each of you as intimately as you'll permit, as soon as you'd like, or not, as you/you both see fit.
Let's Hang Out site addendum to initial - profile 20230403
Oh, darn. I forget a critical thing or two.
- Re: STDs - when in the Us Marine Corps in 1969, I was a fool and got Gonorrhea. Eliminated with a shot. Never again. In fact scared to death of today's STDs. This because of the fact that one kiss could give me Hepatitis C. And, I do not believe current claims that some new meds eliminate the transmission of HIV because rhey make it undetectable by current lab tests. I'm squeaky clean and I am going to stay that way!
- Hygiene is important. And I practice it and so should you.
- Maybe a deal breaker for a casual/no commitments/NSA/dating only relationship is that I am a hopeless romantic. In that, a monogamous, long term is as possible. Maybe a compromise of some kind of palimony for both of us is in order? Monogamy maybe or maybe not. But while we are together, an absolute accommodation that I'd make for you/you two!
- Since the close physical and emotional intimacy that I crave creates such strong attachment and love-sick puppy" responses for me, you might have to sell me on polyamory.
- I'm adventuresome to the max. Willing to try most anything and if mutually satisfying to and desirable by us both (or the three of us), I can easily build it into our new "us" unit. Dancing! Hiking! Debating, Discussing, Sharing your (or both of your), personal interests, enjoyments, preferences, passions, must-haves, must-tries, even if they are deeply emotional, ingrained, habitual, intimacy related, "¦ Fetishes? Depends. My rule is that no one gets coerced or hurt. Embarrassed? Well, sure. As humans, we all have that as well as fear of the unknown.
Oh, yeah. My extreme level of ADHD has a characteristic known as disinhibition. Dis = Ignore. Inhibition = hesitation to say anything "inappropriate." Disinhibition = I I tend to just blurt things that seem appropriate to me, but may inadvertently violate "social conventions", cause embarrassment"¦ I do try hard not to insult, inappropriately joke, offend, "¦, and especially hurt anyone! Most often I just call it as I see it or have learned to be facts.
Finally, I really can shut up and listen. But "loquacious" is one of my middle names :)
Let's chat and see where it goes from there, if anywhere!!!!
Seems crazy that I don't actually try to find a strong-forward and take charge cougar as I am in need of a house woman where I could offer allot of perks..I am a financial funding investor by lifestyle, self employed. So if one who saw my profile was thoughtful to reach out, I do like cougars.
Well, you sound older and wiser and quite in touch with yourself. Bravo, bravo, my man.
Wish l could meet you for a coffee.
Keep on, keep's on???
But, of course, always within your pace and boundaries
That's just one of the reasons,
That I've been continually awarded
The exulted title
Of the perfect third
Forever in the past
And for evermore
With lust, passion and great interest
I remain anxious to jump on a plane
Merely for a short coffee with you both
Just to experience
The radiance of your commitment and deep love and respect
That you obviously feel and live every minute of every day
Your having decided to embark/continue
On this great adventure
Speaks volumes, I think.
Oh, how delicious this lust to explore that you have
So very delicious to me
Even just to be bathed in it
For the shortest time
Yours in appreciation of your stepping out,
I remain smitten
Merely by the thought of that, perhaps Post Alley
Coffee and whatever happens next,
Even if it is nothing at all????