Mysticjoy: Knitting Joy

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About Me:
I'm so happy to be here. I am not gay but there was no place to put that down as I wish my friend to be either gender. I'm almost 55 and since my move to Florida in 2019 I have no Florida friends. I've always had issues with friends because I'm an introvert (I think). I went to school for computer late in life but I made it with honors! Then I had my stroke which interrupted my life and now I'm still adjusting. So I knit, have a loving husband, and four dogs. I love my dogs but they can get on my nerves sometimes when they see a frog on the screen.
Well that is me in a nutshell. If you would like someone who has time to communicate and speak on phone (although I warn you my speech is no longer an asset since I had my stroke) that's me!
My Ideal Match:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be older than 40 years old and younger than 90 years old.