1DRD1: Do or Do Not, There is No Try. What Are You Doing?

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About Me:
Education system only focuses on one learning style, Reading amd Writing. If you are one of the other three (as there are a total of four) the you are SOL, and marked LD. Its a horrible system. So i learned how i learned and although a late bloomer (bc of board of educations ignorant classification system) have become litteral a slight genious in jist about every subject bc i realized i wasnt LD as they claimed. They just never figured out i was dyslexic, which is in turn my super power to all my success and influencer and empower of my relentless persuit in self education, that has helped transform me to be extremely intelligent in every subject. High IQ that places me at the Mensa level, and not a topic i cant go toe to toe with any professional and come out as tje correct subject... except for spelling and grammer lol.
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