Just me and my current best friend
This is a little sample of my experimentive side. Also a sample of what happens when I get bored or someone dares me, Said I'd get $250.oo Cash to go to the local Market and buy a 6 Pack of Coca Cola and bring it to them,  I got that $250.oo Cash ! ! ! !
member offline SweetVic
64, Corvallis

member offline SweetVic: I'm a Retired Horticulturist Homeowner with too much time

64 year old Man, 5'6" (168 cm)
Woman, for Lets Hang Out / Chat / Friends
Body Type:
Some Extra Pounds
Animal Lover
Some College/University
Regular Smoker, Drinks Sometimes, No Drugs
Just me and my current best friendThis is a little sample of my experimentive side. Also a sample of what happens when I get bored or someone dares me, Said I'd get $250.oo Cash to go to the local Market and buy a 6 Pack of Coca Cola and bring it to them,  I got that $250.oo Cash ! ! ! !
Just me and my current best friend
Just me and my current best friend
Match Summary:

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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 30 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
I Don't Exercise Often
Has Children?
Yes - All over 18 years old
Want Children?
Has Pets?
Dog(s) & Cat(s)
Has Car?
Political Views:
I Dont Follow Politics
Postal Zip Code Area:
59828, MT

About Me:

I'm a nature lover. I'm a horticulturist. I am single, I DO live alone. I would love to wake up with somebody next to me. I miss that so much. For those of you that don't know what a horticulturist is, It's basically a plant scientist. I have intensely studied plants.I live in Corvallis Montana. A while back I had to sell my car to pay off a bunch of bills against this house that I inherited when my brother passed away ?.

My Ideal Match:

I'm looking for someone who loves nature as much as I do.You don't have to be a horticulturist. Just have an appreciation for plant life nature, camping, fishing ETC. HONESTLY, I would like to make love again but it's been so long I'm not even sure I didn't know what to do anymore ! !??????????????? ! But just because I'm not so sure how or if I can even get an erection does not mean that we can't make love ! I'd love to bring you breakfast in bed kiss your cheek, Put the coffee close enough to your nose to wake you up smelling it and wanting it, and then give you breakfast in bed. I'd make myself some too but and then the next day. You could make breakfast in bed for me and on and on. While we were eating our breakfast in bed, We could plan out our day.