DancingInRain: Looking for friendship, maybe commiseration

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About Me:
I don't do drugs, I've never smoked anything - no, not even weed. I drink socially. I'm a low-key, low energy person who appreciates things like lazy beach days and binging shows in bed. I'm the fantasy type nerd - I like reading fictional books and watching shows with elves and faeries and swordfighting. I enjoy a good anime or playing D&D (I've got a few campaigns under my belt already), and I especially LOVE playing board games. I'm not the math, science, video game, sci-fi, superhero or futuristic type nerd. That's totally fine if you are, just don't ask me to watch Captain America with you. I'm fine being home and I love going out. I have a deep appreciation for sunsets and the ocean. It's my fantasy lotto dream to live on the beach, though I'm not particular about which beach (but I couldn't do cali politics). I hate the cold and I don't enjoy sports.
I consider myself curvy. I don't want the pressure of having to maintain a certain "look", especially if it detracts from my day. I appreciate food and I'm not gonna stop appreciating it for the sake of another person. TexMex is a lifestyle choice that I have fully embraced.
I would call myself realistically holistic. I'm not brewing kambucha, going vegetarian, or homesteading, but I like natural remedies and local meats.
I have kids. Being a mother is a strong part of my identity. I am still legally married essentially because I do not have the resources to leave. He is aware I'm unhappy and don't want to be together and refuses to accept this. Things aren't working because he cannot keep a promise, will not acknowledge anything important to me, refuses to do anything around the house, is very controlling (but bad) with money, and has no ambition to ensure a good life for us. I have no interest in cheating or casual sexual relations. I want this marriage to end on a clean break.
I pride myself on being an open and honest person. If nothing else, I have strong integrity and will not lie to you. Politically, I'm probably a conservative libertarian, but I do not like politics.
I'm fairly devout and go to church weekly. I don't bless my food because it's not commanded in the Bible, but my faith is an important aspect of who I am and how I raise my kids.
My Ideal Match:
My ideal partner would be 30 - 45 years old. I want someone who knows where they're at in life but is still youthful enough to keep up with my kids. I'm not ready to be a stepgrandma. I also will not be with anyone who does drugs or has an active addiction to anything.
Don't be someone who says you're going to do something - do it! Put your money where your mouth is. Don't lie or make promises you won't keep. Good intentions never did anything for anyone.
And if you say you want a family, be a family man. Be present and available - physically, emotionally, sexually. Understand that partners support each other, including picking up the slack when the other is feeling off.
Don't wall yourself off or sweep issues under the rug. Communicating isn't just talking - it's hearing and acknowledging the hard things and working together towards a solution..