Haikuharvester: Back In The Saddle Again!
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More Details:
About Me:
I enjoy almost all of the fun things in life which includes But is not limited to,sex,beach activities,camping, hiking, horse back riding, fishing, traveling,laughing, playing, people watching, working, daydreaming, believing, collecting, beauty, movies, relaxing, music, exploring, traveling,hiking,hunting,bonfires,motorcycles,bowling,paintball,babies,bratwurst, breakfast in bed,loving, making love,optimism, drawing, painting, women, building,learning,aloha,beauty,bikinis,pets,firearms,pyrotechnics,gardening,playing,stand up comedians,museums,sunrises and sets,helping, reading,writing and hanging out with my friends and daughter are some of them and There are more of course and perhaps we'll discuss them later.
Maui has been my home for 25 years and will always remain so. I'm not fond of cities but I love the mountains and countryside.
I'm not preppy however I clean up quite well when necessary.
I've been off the market for the last 15 plus years and this internet aprouch to dating is going to be a new experience for me and I'm hoping it will be a fun one for both you and I.
I've been single for over 4 years and have begun to notice a few hints of loneliness.
So with that being said I'm going to stop talking about me and see what I can learn about you.
I'll share more about myself with you later.
My Ideal Match:
However the thought that she doesn't even exist is probably closer to reality.
So having accepted that thought , at least for the moment, I'm hoping to find a really good friend with great benefits. And who knows? We'll see where it goes from there. In the meanwhile I'm looking for a good fuckbuddy to have fun with.