MikeinSV: Howdy from sunny Sierra Vista

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About Me:
"Hobbies" are gardening and playing with my puppies. The puppies are doing well and the garden is kicking butt this year. We will have lots of vegetables to eat.
"Goals, aspirations and future plans".....remain retired, don't get into trouble, and don't die....hee, hee.
"Personality", as you can see from my answers, I'm a bit of a "character". I'm pretty easy going, don't need drama and basically just want to enjoy life.
Note: I listed that "I don't follow politics". There wasn't the option to choose "Open Minded". I'm a registered Independent and I'm fine with "discussing" politics, but I'm NOT going to "argue" over any issue. There's much more to life than Politics.
My Ideal Match:
Age - 40+, nothing against younger folks, we just don't have much in common.
Single moms are fine, I understand that working full time and raising kids is a challenge.
What I'm NOT looking for: Someone who expects to jump into bed on the first date.
Scammers....sorry, I'm not wealthy, so don't waste your time.
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be older than 18 years old and younger than 75 years old.
PS: You reviewed my profile again, but I can't email you unless you raise your age limit on your profile....I'm a year older than you listed.