TomDuck: Regular Boy Scout: Laidback, easygoing & levelheaded.

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About Me:
To review, my past life was country music played backwards (lol?!...) With true disclosure, I'll just put it all out there so you would know what your get'n into. So the story starts with 2 long relationships lasting 4n5 yrs, then met my ex, dated for a year, engaged for a year & married for 7. Had a good job, bought a house & had 3 boys. job tanked, got stressed then divorced. Got involved in caustic relationship that went on for 4yrs. Broke up & went recluse (as in isolated and off grid).
As such, I found introspect & self-reflection important for growth, improvement & truly valuing what really matters & is important. Had the life, family, house, truck, boat & motorbikes but then became a minimalist realizing what's really important. I'd say I got wise through the school of hard knocks.
On the rebound, had some health issues (in & out of hospital 3x) and now on disability (but thank god was able to get better and healthy). And finally in a studio apt., alone and contemplating this dating app, spilling the beans to you.
Been single for literally 10yrs by choice with a couple flings between but felt I wasn't really offering so wasn't REALLY look'n. I felt that if I wasn't happy, then I wouldn't be able to bring sunshine into someone else's life, so tuff love for me. Sso, being able to be alone but not wanting to be lonely, I'm ready to step up to the plate for the right reasons...
Looking to find someone I can truly vibe with and enjoy being in good company. I'm not looking to marry as it's more important finding a soulmate.
If your still reading this; Sorry for being longwinded as your patience, possible understanding & curiosity is appreciated. I applaud you & this hopefully shed some light (AKA: Cut through the bullshit?! :-).
My Ideal Match:
They're not "sheeple" & independent in thought (giving me an honest opinion without telling me where to shove it...). Loves music & 420 friendly. Being kind of a minimalist, I'd be valued for my relationship quality and not what I bring to the table material wise. Someone to truly "Vibe" with & know...we got this! If your my "TwinFlame" however, I'm yours now & forever!