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TARIFYK Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, USAJul 1, 2023 11:47 AM GMTHow do guys feel about women making the first move?Now days, people have had so many toxic relationships that have broken any and everything they thought they knew about the do's and dont's when it comes to dating/how long its been since the other persons breakup/ECT... Unfortunately, "REBOUNDING" seems to run rampant with alot of people whose heart/investment really dont fully leave the previous relationship. Considering it more as a "BREAK" or "HALLPASS". Its hard to invest any extra feelings anymore because of this. We fear catching feelings therefore making a "first move" has become increasingly harder. Past relationships have literally whooped our asses to the point where we dont know if we could take another whoopin' like that. Even though we are strong and can endure alot, eventually it can completely break a persons mentality, then next they become unable to physically express themselves. Scared of change/the unknown/making more mistakes/or possibly even scaring away new people. As a man i'd be more than flattered if a woman made the first move. But at the same time, it all depends on the situation and just how comfortable you are with the other person. You never know if you never try though. Everyone,(well,,, most) ,says they want a REAL, LONG LASTING/HONEST/TRUE LOVE... But, fail. Do to the fact that one or the other aernt ready to accept the fact that nothings perfect and it will always be a work in progress. Nobodys perfect, even if they seem it at first. Also, i would like to apologize because i kinda went a little "too much" answering this question. Apparently i needed to make myself look foolish..... Mission Accomplished!!!