RojoGrande: Laugh about it all, seriously ...

This section compares your answers vs. their answers based on Relationship, Dating Compatibility and Personality Test Questions that you both answered. When you are logged in and both users have answered questions, a match percentage for both users will be displayed here! This user has answered 164 popular questions - click the button below to browse through their answers and details.
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About Me:
Seriously interested in meeting new people.
I am 71 going on 17, physically active and can walk, talk, dance (poorly)
I like films, theatre, live musical events (some genres), biking, racquetball, golf, new adventures and activities, and my dog.
I'm a retired teacher in PC Beach and would be amenable to any time and place that is comfortable for you, either cyber or a 3 dimensional.
Feel free to drop me a line. I don't mind making the trip at all.
We are all on this planet together at the same time.
What for? It's somewhere between Quantum Physics and the egotistical trap.
Experiences are just things that happen unless you create an emotional attachment that becomes a hang-up.
"Science" identifies 4 forces - gravity, electro-magnetism, strong nuclear and weak nuclear.
"Science" ignores WILL.
SO, take the clue and make it work to your benefit!
It will!
5D is coming.
My Ideal Match:
No kind of cruelty mental or physical.
Be bright and beautiful because you are.
Interests / Keywords:
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Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must have a profile picture.