member offline Morgon23
69, Wilmington

member offline Morgon23: Musician seeks beautiful,honest, independent, intelligent pa

69 year old Man, 5'8" (173 cm)
Woman, for Boyfriend / Girlfriend
Body Type:
Some College/University
Smokes Sometimes, Drinks Sometimes, No Drugs
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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Not Specified
Eye Color:
Longest Relationship:
Over 10 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
3-4 Times Per Week
Has Children?
Want Children?
Prefer not to say
Has Pets?
No Pets
Has Car?
Political Views:
Postal Zip Code Area:
90744, CA

About Me:

I am a lifelong music industry professional not a part-time not struggling but a real musician producer and so on. Big deal. I need somebody who likes fun adventure and wants me to have as much fun with them and and out of bed as I get through the best part of my life now that I've worked and I don't have to go on the road constantly but I haven't retired by any means. Looking for an ageless beauty who will look just as beautiful to me 20 years from now is 5 years or 5 weeks. Also seeking a woman who's not used to having a lover that goes beyond the pale when it comes to pleasing his partner unlike most of us men of which I was raised to be one of. After having broken my hip by accident I plan on starting performing again in about 30 to 60 days and with the right person I will plan properly as to being able to travel in a relaxed literally fun way because this is going to be the best part of my life. I want to wake up next to somebody I'm glad it's with me every morning whether I just watched a movie with her or had a night of firecracker love making. I'm a good cook but I'm not a gourmet trained one I don't need anything out of the water which I can cook very well anyway I'm not a vegetarian. Definitely no future with us if you're a vegan I got to have things like butter milk eggs you know normal food somewhat. I read a quote by George Burns and I think that this pretty much summed up what I've always said about myself and that is you're going to get older but you don't have to get old and I believe that's what kept me going all these years is being in a youthful profession the energy level the excitement the contact with you the fact that I love what I do it's all makes my life fun and it's just missing one thing someone to share it with.

My Ideal Match:

I think the above speaks pretty much for everything I'm looking for someone I can trust someone who's so beautiful that every head in the room will turn but it doesn't have to worry about me being insecure and worried about not being able to trust you if I can't trust you we don't belong together and vice versa I'm a musician so I have to talk to women I can't be trusted? If every man is sitting by this woman that I found if I'm lucky if I love her and I trust her she knows I'm going to look at it and go now you see how lucky to have found someone like you and these guys are just jealous but I'm not a jealous guy I would never back that way because I'm very secure and who I am. The best part of it eating like that is walking out of any place I met with somebody that I care for like that and that's other than I can hear everyone saying God how did he manage to meet someone like her or vice versa. The cover may look good but you have to have the inside as well you may be gorgeous on the outside but if you're empty on the inside it means nothing to me. I come from a lot of money I haven't got a lot of money right now just as we speak having just come out of the hospital I'm coming into more and I make plenty of money when I'm working but the thing is love and money are two different categories if you can't like me the way I am you'll hate me with money because I won't want to give it to you LOL but I'll tell you two things one I'm a liberated guy and I've dated women that make a lot more than I do and I've never been considered someone that wanted to be with anybody just to spend their money and the other thing is any woman that I beside is Happy enough with me would never have to ask for money if I knew she didn't have any in her pocket if they were walking down the street I'd make sure she had it not as Charity as love. When you grow up with a family that stole millions from other members a brother that's still your hair a best friend who's getting his 10 million f****** inheritance to his children so his greedy wife couldn't touch it that tells you one thing to meet mother teaches me a lot. Money makes people do evil things which is not to say I'm totally against money I'm just saying it can't be the motivating factor of a relationship it doesn't hurt. I'm just saying I know a lot of rich people that have absolutely no class and I know a lot of people who come from nowhere only to become the classiest people I know on the planet.

Mail Requirements:

This user has the following criteria that must be met before accepting messages from users:
   Sender must have a profile picture.
   Sender must be older than 25 years old and younger than 50 years old.