knotyProffessor69: Chill guy for pnp and bdsm adventure.
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More Details:
About Me:
A complicated guy with a open mind, and hobbies that range from reading to falconry and outdoor survival. I like to cook, give excillent massages and prefer off grid living. I mix well with all sorts of people from all walks of life. Easy going and not into drama. I dislike dishonesty in a relationship of any kind including friendship.
I enjoy and have experience in BDSM as a Lifestyle and prefer a Dominance and submission power exchange both in and out of the bedroom. Both the role of Dom and sub are enjoyable to me and I'm pretty open to polyamory and group play of all kinds.
My Ideal Match:
Ladies interested in having a slave for the night without any experience are welcome, and a woman interested in being my slave for a night are equally welcome. More experienced females are of course welcome to contact me as well.
Open to one night of adventure or something long term / ongoing etc.
Interests / Keywords:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be from the following country: United States.