Amber30: A piece of me is missing and that is you.
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About Me:
It has been almost two years since my last relationship ended. Now I'm ready to take the plunge once more - this time hoping to find someone special who will accept me for exactly who and what I am: an independent woman with a big heart full of love to give.
If you're merely here for fun or games then please don't waste my time - as much as I'd like companionship, it must be rooted in mutual respect, care and understanding if it is going to work out between us. Unfortunately, being just a free user limits me from pursuing any real connections on this platform so hopefully we can make our connection one worth cherishing!
It has been almost two years since my last relationship ended. Now I'm ready to take the plunge once more - this time hoping to find someone special who will accept me for exactly who and what I am: an independent woman with a big heart full of love to give.
If you're merely here for fun or games then please don't waste my time - as much as I'd like companionship, it must be rooted in mutual respect, care and understanding if it is going to work out between us. Unfortunately, being just a free user limits me from pursuing any real connections on this platform so hopefully we can make our connection one worth cherishing!