Mtjay: 1 of 3 master techs

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About Me:
2 singles and a set of twins 13 yrs younger
4 children 3 girls and 1boy and a stepdaughter
that still calls me pops
I'm a videophile.and a bookworm
I'm into Scifi documentaries 30s and 40s black
and white movies such as Thinman the Shadow
Sherlock and some westerns
80s music still tops in my opinion
I enjoy auto racing Indy cars Formula 1 and
Nascar in that order. Mainly l enjoy fishing
with my 2grandsons they are 5 and 2
As for what l want Well 12 years a hermit is
Enough I need to find out if I have the right
qualities someone might enjoy
,Side notes. #1 Im new very new to this interweb thing so ignore the lack of proper