LovestoDine24: Live life to its fullest flaws and all
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About Me:
Life is a gift of lessons through free will and soul....We control the outcome...Yea life can throw some painful curveballs...But it's how we come back from it....Do we stay down taking blow by blow letting em destroy us?...Or do we get up and take em head on ..Building up strength through the pain?...
Be the best version of yourself....Follow your heart and don't stop believing (ya damn right I'm quoting some journey)...Life gets bad and cruel at times...But with in that darkness there is light...Find it and don't let go...
Everything that happens...Happens for a reason...Accept it and learn from it...Pain is a part of life....Physical pain isn't where the true pain lies...It's the soul..Whether it be tragedy, loss or realization...It's a true battle that can only be won by you..From the inside....That person so full of potential...Live life to its fullest pain and all...
When it's all said and done...That pain is either.your growth or your selfdestruction...
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Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 20 years old and younger than 40 years old.
Sender must be located within 15 miles of this user.