bellco: 79 years old seeking 39 or less

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About Me:
So, I have two master's degrees, not directly used. This has resulted in my proposed science project that would give access to a new energy spectrum, accessible via biological means. This, by using brain scans on psychics and/or the so called "magnetic" people. The latter can attach/hold/release objects placed on their clean bare skin. The method: brain scans to locate the activation in their neural anatomy as they do their stuff. Then use cadavers and inject the relevant nerves/tracts with vital dyes, and check the diffusion paths. Ultimately to lead to the biological cellular assemblages that power their ability.
This is my interest. You likely have yours. We'll see if we can equilibrate. So, presently I am mostly in front of the computer. Partially, because I am taking lessons online to become a typist. It is somewhat challenging. I hope that I can graduate, since my miniscule Social Security pension and food stamps deter most women. I like most music, vocal and or instrumental. Used to play the recorder. Avoid TV, but like the "true magic" folks on YouTube.
I exercise daily: 1/2 hour walk, or swim. I have been middle lower class all my life. So, I dress and eat accordingly. (I don't do camping or hunting; might accompany you, if we hit it off.)
Seeking affection.
My Ideal Match:
Interests / Keywords:
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must be older than 24 years old and younger than 39 years old.
I have been a shy redheaded woman all my life and have observed my hair color to be off-putting to the opposite sex. Maybe I'm projecting my own insecurities, but it seems like my hair color turns heads but repels any actual contact or interest. I am stared at, but never approached.
Why is that? Is it my redheadedness or how awfully shy I might be?
I think that: either it does not matter, or it might be a plus.
(Meanwhile, I am in California and 79 years old.)