Thom_w: Let's meet and see where it goes

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About Me:
I'm slim to average build, I have all my hair with very little gray. I like country, blue grass, new grass, folk music, and some rock. I've been a Grateful Dead fan since 1973. I probably have 2 or 3 drinks a week, but if you are someone who shouldn't be around alcohol, it's not real important to me. I'm somewhat shy until I get to know someone. I have somewhat strong political beliefs, and I'm willing to discuss politics, but since neither of us have any power other than our own votes, I refuse to fight over politics. If your politics are different than mine, that's your right. If we can't discuss politics without fighting about it, we don't have to discuss them. I don't believe I am always right and if you disagree you must be wrong. I'm a bit messy and because I've never had to keep house in the past, I'm not very good at it. Obviously I ramble a bit. I don't really know if this really tells who I am, so we should meet and see what happens. If there is no attraction, then oh well, but we won't get to find out if we don't try. I've been married for forty years and only been single for a couple of years, so this is all new to me. Hopefully I'm more interesting in person than I think I am in writing.
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Thom_w San Jose, California, USANov 16, 2024 12:06 AM GMTNo Vaxx??? No Groceries or Gas in Aurangabad District in India
Philadelphia 12/13/2021 "You will need to be fully vaccinated against COVID to enter any establishment that serves food in Philly"
Hello how are you
Well, it's November 2024. What happened to the vaccine killing everyone off? Or did it just kill brains? That would certainly explain the election.
Thom_w San Jose, California, USANov 12, 2024 5:10 PM GMTThe universe
When my daughter graduated from highschool the parents were asked to write ' love letters' to their graduates. I described my lover for as; like the Big Bang. Ever growing - ever expanding. Only my daughter got it. ??? What in the world were they teaching in science to highschool kids in those days???
I.wonder what they teach in highschool science now.
Any insight out there?
I think it depends on what state you are in. In some states I believe the best books are being burned. I guess it doesn't matter, the election tells me no one was reading anyway. Some of this thread reminds me of when I was god and everything was happening in my brain. But then my bottle of nitrous oxide ran empty. I keep looking for a picture of Rod Serling on this thread, or maybe a statement to the effect of "do not adjust your vertical, do not adjust your horizontal.
Thom_w San Jose, California, USAOct 20, 2024 7:12 PM GMTDating Over 50 stinks.....LOL
this dating thing over 50 and starting out again kinda stinks.....LOL, anyone else running into this?
since about 15 years ago dating changed....datings only for men who own everything are rich and dont worship God...
Those who do the opposite women just hate....
The problem isnt the mind of the all think men are required to do shit....but we aint yo....that why yalls single...and live with cats....welcome to future welcome to the truth...women....usually to dumb to get a decent man....end of story....and yall know Im right...i MEAN CMON women they wont even take a step in the right direction for the last 15 years lmao
None buy their own cars that THEY work do...parents do...someone else does thats NOT the female dont want a weak a** woman...nor a fricken fat a** lazy one either....
Ive been single 14 years going on 15 with VERY brief women not adding up is impossible the way the world is to find a good woman...becuase...there just are mother aunts sister cousins blah blah blah on and on all just the exact same greedy a** pu**y totin bittches....f*ck yall I wanna get real? 50....try 18....pathetic...women really are..
So it has to be the women, it couldn't be you. My, how enlightened you are. Walmart sells some pretty decent mirrors for not too much money. I don't know that you can really see attitude in a mirror, but you need to start somewhere.
Thom_w San Jose, California, USAOct 9, 2024 12:00 PM GMTOhio pnp?
Don't trust this whore.
She is a lier and a thief and stole $400 from me
Hey, that, and going bald, and losing your teeth, is what that stuff is known for, so what did you expect? There are probably people who use it without it messing up their life, but I've never known one. I'm not anti drug, and I don't even believe in souls, but that one steals your soul.
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