Rll5626: Coffee? And never say “ wish I had met Robert”

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About Me:
I’m a bit of a romantic at heart, old school I guess. I love to cook ( used to own an Italian bistro) I hike in the forest at least 3 times a week. Kayak and love being in nature but enjoy chilling with a book or good movie as well. I’m educated and have had a storied life. I do my best to treat and teach kindness to others.
I often feel a great fire burning within me to share what I have so laboriously learned on my journey so far. Not out of benevolence but for the reward of hope, hope that another's life journey may benefit.
My problem is that no one stops to warm themselves by this fire and when I fan the flames and try to share, most only see a whisp of smoke. I will, although, persevere in my search for that reward of hope. Hope that if I share the paths that I have chosen someone, somewhere may notice a new path or allow themselves to appreciate the joy of the path they are on. I have hopes of finding that someone.