Mortber1: I just want to get to know people. This is how it's done now
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More Details:
About Me:
Someone who has no predefined expectations, is able to get whatever is to be had from an experience and are well rounded human beings. Someone interesting, not boring.
I could go to bars but that isn't really where you meet quality people, I don't think I'm better than anyone but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this is true.
I'm fine with having a few drinks socially and yeah, bars are great places to meet and mingle but they shouldn't be a lifestyle choice.
I'm open for a relationship to be anything, a friendship, a fling or possibly grow into something more. I just want to meet normal human beings.
I don't have predefined expectations and the thrill of discovery is part of the fun. I don't expect much but I'm honest and I do expect honesty and look for decent character in a person.
My Ideal Match:
I'm down with meeting any age but if you're younger, I'd prefer you to be the type who are unhappy with modern times, realize things used to be better and want a taste of that.
I offer an old school experience. That doesn't mean I'm old and boring, it's actually quite the opposite.
Modern music is not worthy of being called music so if you're into it, that's sad. What you surround yourself with is a giant neon sign displaying to the world what you like.
It says something about who you are if you like bad art. I like people who want better. Creative people who can actually bring ideas to fruition and who have a body of work is a plus.
But none of this is a requirement. The only requirement is that you be honest.