Nandito_aa: want nudes

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Being an adopted child I've heard it all. ”So they aren't your real parents?”“Are your brothers and sister your real siblings?”“Where are your real parents?” Rude jokes, comments and questions have all been said,and asked.But it's all the same to me,ignorance.
When I hear the word real I don't think of my biological parents. I know that my real parents are the ones who raised me.At times, having to hear the ignorance did bother me, but over the years my parents have made me realize it doesn't matter what others think. They taught me that any adult could have kids, but it's not about whether or not you can have them, but about you being able to raise them because taking care of a child is hard.I take pride in my parents and my story and that is what i want to share:The story of how my parents saved me and my brother.
My story begins in a shelter somewhere in CT were my birth “mother” left me and my brother in the shelter and someone found us and called the department of children and families, also known as DCF.But I was lucky,my Mom and Dad wanted another son for their only child who is my brother Daniel because my mother couldn't have kids anymore.They wanted one, but DCF showed them both of us they told them that we had a complicated past .DCF said that If they didn't take us together they would have to separate us.My parent couldn't do that though they decided that they would take us both.that wasn't the end though my birth “mother” decided to fight for us in court because she wanted to keep us.But, it didn't work out for her because she not only would she left me and my brother in tears missing her during visits because she wouldn't show up,but she also ended up losing the case because she had a drug addiction and she started using again after being clean for the five years that she fought for us in court,and the rest is history.I was officially adopted soon after she lost in court.I thank God that my parents fought for us in court because if it weren't for them, who knows if my life would be the same.Because of them I have a loving family,and I am forever thankful.
My parents saved me. I've had an easy life compared to most, and now I am trying to make them proud. My whole life has been great because of them; I've never been in trouble economically. I've always had everything that I needed, and they've taught me right from wrong. Now, with their teachings, I want to branch out on my own and grow on my own, and my first stop is college. College has been my goal for a long time; that's how I plan on making them proud of me. They never forced me to like school, but for some reason I love it, and my parents have been very supportive of that. They always let me know that my goal of being an accountant is achievable, but they are also realistic with me because they have helped me realize that I will have to work hard towards my goal, and with everything they've done for me, it would be a shame to quit my goal that I've had since middle school.
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Nandito_aa Meriden, Connecticut, USAOct 8, 2023 11:18 PM GMTAnyone whos intertestedhey want nudes