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About Me:
I plan very soon to relocate to Denver Colorado, Springfield Missouri or Bellingham Washington. I like to travel and want to go where we want whenever we want. I enjoy dining out, shopping, espresso, cooking, painting, reading, movies and the Theatre. I also enjoy camping, backpacking, skiing, sailing, rock climbing, the ocean, scuba diving, skydiving, body surfing, kayaking and horseback riding. Music plays an important role in my life and I am always up for a great concert, already having seen well over 100.
When my time permits, I like to volunteer my time and effort to others and causes that I believe in and think I can make a difference. I don't have much family left which I don't really mind because I want the majority of my time, attention and effort to go to spoiling, listening, loving and pleasuring the one very special woman I am seeking here because it's her that my entire world will revolve around and who will feel more love than she has from her entire life. My love and life will belong to her alone, She comes before everything else Including myself,
My Ideal Match:
My hope is when we find each other, we will no longer be 2 people living separate lives and having separate dreams, but together we no longer separate as two but instead we're ONE.