glynn: You are looking at a quality catch. Can you catch My Eye?
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About Me:
I'm a gentleman. I treat my woman as a LADY no as a lady. A world of difference. Everything I've set my mind to I have succeeded. I'm mobile, do not require assistance from any device. I can do most anything, but in short spurts. Do not ask me to go parasailing. I get sea sick stepping over the bath tub.
I'm on a computer 8-10 hours a day. I build them. I have written a non fiction book. A cook book is currently in production When not engrossed there I like to read. I'm especially fond of Nora Roberts. I started with the Dragon Circle Trilogy, and was blown away by her work. I've spent a lifetime in and around printing and word processing. She is a master of her craft. I'm a huge movie buff and also enjoy listening to and compiling music lists. My library holds over 350 CD's.I have an eclectic taste in movies and music.
I enjoy a good joke on me as long as it's in good taste and not meant to harm. Be forewarned, I will give back as good as I get. Fair is fair. I love being with women or a woman. I get along with them quite well. Perhaps that's because I know I'm hopelessly outclassed by you. Still it's nice to try. Jerry Dickey