Danthemannow: What about me? 😁

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About Me:
My baggage is compact and light, and I'm ready for another adventure. I'm looking for a beautiful lady that can make the world light up... my world! If she loves to travel, has light luggage, cute shoes and can squeeze into a overfilled jet... I'd buy her gelato. Also.. if she could put up with me playing a drum set at 3am. (I don't play the drums, or have a drum set.. but I would like to be able to keep that option open)
You will find me humorous with witty topping. Who doesn't like nuts?
I prefer Hilton's over hostels, planes over trains, Paris over Portland and over over under. My life is blessed and I am thankful. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. Amen.
Let's eat.
"A simple act of caring creates an endless ripple."
It's important to help the needy, feed the hungry and watch the sunsets. Let's not wait for the sun to go down. Dance now!
Compassion, attention and affection are what we are all seeking. Are we not?