MAriniela: BOUT ME
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About Me:
I’m looking for someone who shares my values and wants to make the world a better place.
I grew up traveling the world with my parents and have seen more than my fair share of different cultures and landscapes.
While this has been an amazing experience, it has also left me longing for a place to call home.
I’m looking for someone who can share this passion for travel with me, as well as help me find that place where we can finally put down roots.
I’m a down-to-earth women who likes simple things in life. A good cup of coffee, spending time with my dog, and being outside in nature are some of my favorite things.
I strive for balance and try to live a healthy lifestyle, but I’m also not opposed to indulging in some cake or ice cream every once in a while.
I’m looking for someone who shares similar values and is looking for a long-term relationship.