jonnyD: Fortune Favors the Bold

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About Me:
I'm old enough to know what I like, be happy and confident in myself, and want to contribute more than I take. That said, I appreciate generosity of spirit, consent and pleasure check-ins, and compliments. I'm a thousand times bigger on the inside than I am on the outside. I'm passionate as hell, even with my swagger.
I’m going to share a secret with you: If you’re naïve and you move forward, that’s one thing. But if you’re aware of the risk, the danger and commit to your goal. Stepping up into the challenge, into the fear, the feeling you take away on the other side is almost as good as an o*gasm. Not really but,,,
Should I ask a new girlfriend about how I enjoy her intimacy desires satisfied first before asking her if she would allow or deny my release dynamic or would that frighten a girl away ?
I think her needs first is very hot. What do women think?
or do they prefer the guy takes what he wants every nite without considering her needs like a regular maintenance schedule everyday make sure he is happy.?
Women are capable of multiple orgasms. If my partner doesn't allow me to finish at least once before he does, I view it as really selfish and if it happens repeatedly, I would like be considering another partner or just be happier with satisfying myself and not bother sharing the experience. Women have needs as much as men. Everyone is different though. Communication is key. Ask what she likes and wants!
For myself, it's as if I can't c*m until I know that my lady has had an o*gasm first. I derive pleasure and satisfaction from her o*gasm.