ServantSlut: May I Serve You? As Your Nude Servant Slut.

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About Me:
I hope to fine a Lady or Couple that would like to be Served by a Nude Servant.
Anyway, I am on the Quite side. So, I don't chat much. When I Do. I always say it as it is, even if not what you wish to hear it.
Some Good things about me are. I am Very Open & Honest. I like pleasing others & serving them is one way to be nice.
As for Serving while I am Nude. It's Fun. I like going to Nudist Resorts & helping others. So now I am looking for someone To Serve as Her personal Servant Slut. While Nude I Enjoy being looked at & watched, Felt-up, Played-with & Judged. At Any time, You or Others wish to take Pic's or Video. Enjoy, It is all Good. Now that I said Others. Yes, I am o.k. with being Exposed to Others at any time & way You chose. While I am Serving You. As Your Nude Servant Slut I Will Submit to Anything You wish. Anway You wish.
Mail Requirements:
Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Message must be at mininum 50 characters long.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 23 years old and younger than 48 years old.
Sender must be located within 100 miles of this user.