ipswichmike: Alive and well.

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About Me:
We are all tested, but that test never comes in the form we are prepared for, as is my case. A year ago I encountered an event that shook me to the core. Time to get busy living, or die. Guess I had resigned myself to thinking I had nothing to offer, but turns out I do. I know how to behave, and act, so that is no issue. I know now that once close to keep close and not relax to the point that you drift away. I know my interests are generally similar to others as well. Done a lot of different things, jobs, activities and lived all over this country. Been in the Army, prison guard, Mayor, School bus driver, welder, care giver, landscaper, so many other things. Lived north, south, east, west and traveled to Mexico, Canada, Alaska. Rode Helicopters, Tanks, Heavy Trucks, Motorcycles, Boats, Jets, C 130's, more. Ski, snorkel, boat, fish, hunt with camera, river raft, camp, drive and tours.
Watch movies, TV, play games, take pictures, go online, listen to rock, country, movie tunes ( music from Blade runner, Cat people, Fright night, Wizard of Oz ). Like talking, exploring, trying different things. All things but now I have to approach it differently. A prostatic leg. Not a life thief, but a life changer. So I have extra stuff in way of wheelchair, peg leg, crutches, that sort of stuff. I drive and get around so it isn't like I am stuck at home. Think it over and then let's begin . . .