Grating: Washed up intellectual man looking for online conversations

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About Me:
Conservative. Religious. Used to be an acolyte. Certified as understanding basic theology. Little to no knowledge of mundane philosophy. Idealize monogamy.
Searched for meaning and tried to make a difference in the world for many years. Did volunteer work, minor charities, translated lectures, amateur hacktivism. Due to some unfortunate events in the past, no longer socially active and do not mean to change.
Courted few women and only with the intention to marry. Regarding children, prefer adoption. May marry a woman with a child. This is mentioned only to illustrate personality. It is not relevant for the chief purpose of this profile.
Personality is calm, serious. Macabre sense of humor. In entertainment prefer fantastical themes.
May be of interest to a woman who is bored, lonely, feels that she lacks someone intellectually compatible, and is mostly looking for a casual yet meaningful conversation.