dubs1989: Looking for a good relationship. Wish me luck.

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About Me:
I would like to consider myself an open minded individual. I am not perfect by any means nor would I ever say I am. I think my greatest strength is my attitude towards life and the aptitude to learning new things.
I'm a classically trained musician, but my tastes in music varies from jazz, to soul, to funk, to country. I especially love artists like Grover Washington Jr and the Isley Brothers because their music is so soothing and comforting to me!
During my free time, I may be dancing especially swing and salsa. The Elk's Lodge on South Allen Street is a terrific place to dance!! I could also be doing yoga. Yoga has had such a positive impact on my life. I encourage anyone to do it. I also love hiking and spending time in nature!
I do love sports. I used to play tennis when I was in high school but I found my true passion in music during my senior year. I also went to college for it! Going back to sports, I love watching Football, Baseball, Basketball, and Hockey. It means so much to me to watch with other people because it has allowed me to build stronger relationships with people and connect with them!
I tend to Netflix a lot. I've been watching the Office and Parks & Recreation. I like the humor if anything else...
It is very important for me that I get to know people on a deeper level. That has really broadened my perspective on life. Respect and generosity are essential especially when it comes to relationships. I try my best to live in the present moment and to enjoy what life has to offer
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Sender must be Female.
Sender must be from the following country: United States.
Sender must have a profile picture.
Sender must be older than 22 years old and younger than 40 years old.
Sender must be located within 50 miles of this user.