member offline NinabearN12
39, Modesto

member offline NinabearN12: Trippin.

39 year old Woman, 5'6" (168 cm)
Man, for Lets Hang Out / Chat / Friends
Body Type:
Night Owl
Lasting comfort
High school
Christian: Other Denomination or Non-Denominational
Non-smoker, No Drugs
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More Details:

Martial Status:
Hair Color:
Mixed Color
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Longest Relationship:
Over 9 years
Second Language:
No Second Language
My Exercise Habits:
Not Specified
Has Children?
Not Specified
Want Children?
Not Specified
Has Pets?
Not Specified
Has Car?
Not Specified
Political Views:
Not Specified
Postal Zip Code Area:
95356, CA

About Me:

You don't always need your girl to tell you how to be a man or to make you step outside of your discretion..
But also dont be choosy about your integrity.
Whatever my reaction should not sway from your Honour.
All you have to do is keep it real, and play no games about that.
Whatever her reaction consider it, and decide accordingly how you will respond to that, but please don't get ignorant ever and then decide to be a sneak a** deceiver for every big and small thing...just lying.
Just all that damn lying when you could just take an L or be a man and consider before "not wanting to deal with it" and just then steady lying without a care for the feelings, thoughts, conversations, hurts, confusions, paranoia, hyper vigilance youre allowing yourself to bring into their lives and to bring out of them.
Were emotional remember?
How you gonna be shocked about an unhinged woman that youre playing games with?
Break up with her. Block her number if shes new. Whatever just dont be a man a woman finds herself calling a *hypocrite and a coward*.

Just go on with yourself before you get played by or before you play with someone. If you dont believe you deserve to be done dirty then make sure the helpmate you choose doesnt either and longsuffer with integrity admirably and be diligent about your honour because the best legacy is with the man who is obediant to God and true to his discerned to be adoring and role adhering woman.

Unless you get off on the trauma youre creating between yourself and her,.... unless you bust when you feel the thick grasp of a woman confused, regressing, suspicious, and mean from the mental instability she either already had and its bound to erupt or that is developing while messing with you.
If thats your goal, youre tare and worthless.

Nothings worse than a broken man that seeks to break others.
Matter of fact ill say right now...if youre like that - *you really aint Shit, and nothing you own or do will ever change that until you figure outhow to heal up and DO right and be better.*

Ill see right through you if youre a liar and i wont be polite... i wont give not one single benefit of the doubt.
End of discussion.

If youre admirable
Honest without fear, without worry about who will like you after
able to really hear
And looking for a true and deep bond
Im everything a woman should be and only what she shouldnt when chaos is introduced into my life.

To be expected.

Im like a pop tart.