TbagginSinZ87: Dont be shy just say hi!
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About Me:
I enjoy traveling, But I can also be home body. Stay in the watch movies or something interesting on YouTube. Self employed Which is nice work when I want have more times enjoy the little things in life or big. Enjoy going for rides on my Harley. Or just taking a walk thru the woods with my dogs. I'm bearded tatted an pierced. My biggest pet peeve is a liar. There's no need for it, I'm very open Minded and understanding. I'm good at conversating, so best just to talk it out. Figure it out. I guess I'm looking for someone chat with. Hang out with, do extra curricular activities. A lady in the streets, but a freak in the....you know. Someone who's willing to open up and share whatever knowing that they won't be judged. That enjoys cracking jokes and goofing off but also hold a serious conversation. So if you feel like you're interested like to know more drop a message.